Friday, October 31, 2008
My Buddy Mason, Master Scat Scout
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Meeting In A Bar, Open Door At Home
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
The Big Threat
Friday, October 17, 2008
Origins of Werewolves
Werewolves say they don't like the attention. But, that is not true. They thrive on it. Fear is their beer. They drink of it to get drunk. They do not need to kill to survive. Any werewolf could pull into any Gates Bar-B-Q (as do both werewolves and weredogs, often) to eat and live. (Of course, that Gates would have to close up for the day at that point. They'd be out of meat.) They kill for the pleasure, to see their victims eyes, to hear their screams and pleas, just before and as they are killing them.
Our mutual history has to do with an animal now referred to as "Aelurodon," which scientists think has been extinct for thousands of years. Think again.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
New Wave of Puppy Mill Laws?
This might be a day late and a dollar short, but it is welcome all the same. On my last op with Jason and Jessica we went in on a puppy mill southwest of Bolivar. Jason had a team survey the place for three days prior. The moon was full the night we assembled, checked our chit, and went in. All we found were forty-three dog and puppy corpses. They were cast around haphazardly, like forgotten party favors. Their throats had all been cut. The butchers were gone, their scent still fresh, less than a couple hours old. They knew they were being watched. That is why they cut throats instead of just shooting the pups in their heads. The wanted to be quiet about it. Then they split.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
OBP - Large Numbers Back to the U.S.
- OBP Successes
- Welcome Home Taji!
- Taji arrived on June 5th at Newark International Airport
- in New Jersey along with her 4 brothers and sisters, 19
- other dogs and 2 cats. She was greeted by SPCA International staff, volunteers and a team of FedEx employees.
- View Profile

- Welcome Home Hause!
- Hause arrived on June 5th at Newark International Airport in New Jersey along with his 4 brothers and sisters, 19 other dogs and 2 cats. He was greeted by
- SPCA International staff, volunteers and a team of FedEx employees.
- View Profile

- Welcome Home Chewey!
- Chewey arrived on June 5th at Newark International Airport in New Jersey along with his 4 brothers and sisters, 19 other dogs and 2 cats. He was greeted by SPCA International staff, volunteers and a team of FedEx employees.
- View Profile

Operation Baghdad Pups

Operation Baghdad Pups began with an email received on September 11, 2007. The desperate words of the U.S. soldier serving in Iraq told of his desire to get the dog, Charlie, he and his regiment had befriended out of the Middle East before their tour of duty ended. Because it is against regulations for troops to befriend an animal or transport one on a military flight, the likelihood of the determined soldiers succeeding alone seemed doubtful.
Members of this Army regiment discovered the dog earlier that summer while patrolling a dangerous neighborhood on the outskirts of Baghdad. The malnourished and flea covered puppy, no bigger than a baked potato, was scooped up by a soldier who felt sorry for the pitiful orphan. Hidden in a tattered blanket, the puppy was snuck onto the Coalition Outpost. As the soldiers took turns secretly caring for the puppy the strong bond between man and dog grew.
Sgt Beberg and Ratchet

Army blocks soldier from bringing puppy back
Associated Press Writer
More than 10,000 people have signed an online petition urging the Army to let an Iraqi puppy come home with a Minnesota soldier, who fears that "Ratchet" could be killed if left behind.
"I just want my puppy home," Sgt. Gwen Beberg of Minneapolis wrote to her mother in an e-mail Sunday from Iraq, soon after she was separated from the dog following a transfer. "I miss my dog horribly." Beberg, 28, is scheduled to return to the U.S. next month.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Weredog Images
Braden, Iraq
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
CNN: Dog Adopts Tiger Cubs