Swiftpaw wrote:"If you look at the history of humanity and it's view of nature and other species it seems that it was Christianity and Islam that started the idea of humans being superior. Then some people use evolution as an excuse, that because humans have larger brains then they are more intelligent and are there for superior.
Many non-Arabic cultures had great respect for other species; the Native Americans, Chinese, Japanese, Africans, Egyptians, aboriginal people, Indians, many island cultures, even the Creeks and Romans on some level.
Though there are some people in these days who do try to coexist with animals. There are some non-zoo people who take care of certain animals that most people view as very dangerous, like cougars and even wolves."
"Unfortunately it seems that alot of the problems in this world seem to be caused from what I call Superiority Complex Disorder; the believe that oneself or one's species/race is the best thing in the universe and everything else is inferior.
I think that most humans need to learn and understand that just because they are the most technologically advanced species on the planet, they aren't anymore better then any other species. In a fair fight most other species can beat a human.
I believe that many species could get along with humans and adapt to life within civilization, but only if humans give them the opportunity."
It was a long time before mankind considered himself superior to all the other species. Gradually, over time, mankind learned to hunt. The early humanoids were gatherers and scavengers. But, over time they learned to hunt, got good at it, developed newer and better weapons, and eventually became the premier predator on the planet.
One key factor in man's development has been war. War has played a big part in defining men and mankind, and thus, women too. The first sports were designed to train boys, and in some cultures, girls, for fighting and hunting. Play serves the same purpose for other species, such as felines and canines. Sorry. Name dropping. I know.
It has only been during the last several millennia that man has flirted with this idea of his supremacy. Religion has driven that trend. But, more so has science. It is science that has led mankind to abandon the steward way of thinking toward the earth, and other species. Religion is only too happy to throw in on that hand also.
All human cultures harvest and objectify other animal species. None are exempt. It is not about cultures, or religions. It is about human nature. Humans have survived because they have the capacity to be barbaric, to do whatever it takes to survive. They are capable to great heights also - art, poetry, music, things that brings tears even to this dog's eyes. but that higher mind sits right next to barbarity in the human soul.
Yes, there are people who keep and raise wild animals, like cougars and wolves, and tigers and lions and bears. On the whole, and this is my opinion, not a good idea. Wolves are not dogs. No matter how you raise a wolf pup, it will always be dangerous, more so than any dog breed. Bears and lions are even more dangerous. Trust me. I have known a few cougars and bears. Bears in particular have a nasty temper. Remember, I lived in the American wilderness in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.
I agree that most people suffer from superiority complex. Many believe they are better than other species. Heck, many believe they are better than other people because they have more money, or a bigger house, or go to the right church. Buddhism doesn't go in for that, one of the reasons I like Buddhism. I encountered Buddhism in Nam. Mostly Theravadhists there. But, this superiority has to do with the ego, and is tied to the human survival instinct. Go figure.
And fair fight? A fair fight is whatever you can bring to a fight. If that be tooth or claw, so be it. If it be rifle or knife, even better. The only rule of violence in the animal kingdom is to win. "Fair fighting" is a human construct. Wolves and werewolves can't even wrap their minds around it. If you mean bare-handed and bare-pawed fighting, that certain species would have advantage over man, like bears, then yes, they would. But, man's greatest weapon is his brain.
US Army Special Forces teaches its trainees that "Your mind is your greatest weapon." It's true. If a man in facing a fight with a bear, or any other animal, the first thing he does it look around for a weapon, a rock or stick. If he doesn't, the human gene pool is probably better without him. Well, maybe. You know what I mean. Not all humans are cut out for violence.
Many species are already adapting to civilization. Suburbia around here in KC is exploding with hawks and owls. They're adapting. Foxes and coyotes also. And rabbits. I've never seen so many rabbits. But, live together in harmony, in human houses? Not until they are domesticated.
By the way, remember those Planet of the Apes movies from the 1970s? Just curious.
Don't get me wrong. It is not my way to criticize people. But, I do wish that mankind would get back to practicing more stewardship of the earth and all the other species. Ever since WW2 corporations have driven mankind away from stewards and towards what can only be described as pirates, plundering and pillaging at will.
Everyone is asleep. I got to get ready to go out. Patrol tonight. And I'm having one of Jack's beers when I get back.