Jack has 2 boys, from a previous marriage. Both are in worlds of hurt.
Braden lost an arm and a leg to an IED in Iraq. It happened four months ago. He recently was moved to a facility here in the city. Jack has spent a lot of time there, with Braden, assuring him the lost of the limbs is not big deal, that his life will still be full, that he can still do it all, work out, have sex, have a family, a career, etc. Based on what I get from Jack, reading his emails and overhearing calls, he is not doing well, neither Braden nor Jack. It is hard for a former-soldier father to see his soldier son laying in a bed. Very hard. I have seen this many times before.
Tyler is a heroine addict. And oxycotin. That is why he sleeps all the time and never eats. Jack has been trying to Get a handle on how bad it is, how much Tyler has used, how long, if he is till using. They need to get him detoxed and into some treatment center or facility. But, I don't think Tyler is on board with that yet. Until he is everything is a No-Go. He denies that he has a problem. So, Jack is trying to budge him off that pile of shit. If he can't, the only option is to cut Tyler loose, tell him, "You're on your own and good luck," and wait either for him to hit rock bottom and come around, or to get a call from the cops or the city coroner. Jack is beating himself up about Tyler too, over how he could have been a better dad, etc.
I constantly want to shift and tell him, "None of this is your fault." But, I doubt he would listen. Besides, the shock would kill him.
And things are not good between Sherry and Jack. Very bad, matter of fact.
Ricky, the boy with asperger's syndrome, is acting out more. Sven is getting more frustrated with his brother, and the world in general.
I am certain I know who Rex's killers are. I have been surveying them - another task that has been consuming my time lately. And I was wrong about them being werewolves. And I am going to take them out. Hard.
Sarah is near. The odds against it are astronomical. I know. But I am certain she is. I need to explain about Sarah.
I have been trying to stick close to Jack. Been tracking him to his various watering holes at nights. and staying close to him during days. He is drowning in angst, doubt and PTSD. I can smell it all over him like fish guts that have baked in the sun for several days. Wish I could help him. I can't. Only Jack can save Jack. And only Sherry can find happiness for Sherry. Same goes for Ricky, Sven, Tyler and Braden.
Everyone is asleep. I think. I'm going to grab a beer. To hell with it. If Jack notices, he will just think it was Sven or Rick. Then some sleep. Dog, I need sleep.