Sunday, April 11, 2010

Fwd: Dogs eat police car

This was on Fox news the other morning. I only caught the last bit of it and never saw it again until today at Guzer. One of these dogs is a weredog.

One might ask why the weredog does not get the dog to stop, to lay off the cop car. It doesn't work like that. I can no more command a dog that has him or herself worked into a lather and rage to stop of back off than I can command the rain. It doesn't work like that. Doesn't work like that with men either, in case you have not noticed.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Wolves Lose Their Predatory Edge In Mid-life


Wolves Lose Their Predatory Edge In Mid-life, Study Shows.

"Although most wolves in Yellowstone National Park live to be nearly six years old, their ability to kill prey peaks when they are two to three, according to a new study."

I wonder if FOWs (Fuckin Old Wolves) have mottos about "Skill and Cunning..." and tactics for keeping the younger wolves in line.

Seriously, is this not true in all species? Even amongst humans, and dogs, and weredogs, older dogs lose their physical edge as they age. But not necessarily that mental edge. That is why we have elders, parents, coaches, and sergeant majors, for older dogs to teach younger dogs, so hard-won experience is not lost.

After all, skill and cunning usually prevail over youth and vigor.

The Neo Corpse

You might recall the neo corpse we got ahold of last spring as a result of that puppy mill rescue that turned out to be a neo ambush. Jessica was killed, as were several humans, and some werewolves and a weredog. It was a joint operation.

We took the corpse to a large lab were weredog scientists work as humans, but are able to special side projects. It is in the KC area.

The weredog who ran the show is named Lena. She is a good looker, let me tell you. But I digress.

It was last July, after the 4th as I recall. My ears were still ringing from Jack nearly blowing up the neighborhood. I and Warin went to see Lena. She had gotten word to me that she needed to see me, that she had findings from the neo autopsy that she need to share with me.

"They're poikilothermic."

"Beg pardon?" I said. It was past midnight when we got to the facility. She hardly said hello, just led us back to the cold-as-a-meat-locker lab room and whipped a sheet off the corpse and started tossing out alien words. "Can you repeat that in English?" I said.

"They are cold blooded," she said. "Look. We are homoiothermic, which means warm-blooded. They are poikilothermic, cold-blooded, like fish."

It took a while for that to sink it. How can that be? They are mammalian, aren't they? They evolved from a mammalian species, so they must be mammalian, right?

Lena said apparently not, that evolution has a tendency of adapting itself in unexpected ways. I asked what are the benefits of them being cold blooded? Lena said she could not say for certain. Much time and effort has been spent since then, these many months, trying to figure out an answer.

I am in Atlanta, looking for answers, meeting with weredogs and werewolves here who have them. The consensus is that there are numerous benefits to the neos for being warm blooded, in terms of diet, heat retention and energy production. But the main benefit, it is agreed, is that being cold blooded literally allows them to be cold blooded figuratively.

Neo's have no altruistic fibers in their bodies. Connection is not a call for them. For them there is no safety in numbers. We knew this about them. This helps to better understand it.

For centuries I have been sworn to kill werewolves, believing them to be a nasty, stinking blight upon the earth. Hell, werewolves are cuddly and aromatic in comparison to cold-blooded adversary bent on the destruction of everything.

By the way, werescientists are calling these 2 neo species "homo neos" and "canis neos," in case you are curious.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Dogs Trained in Prisons for PTSD

This is a series of photos about dogs trained in a prison as service dogs for vets suffering from PTSD.

Lots of labs. Labs are very popular as service dogs.

Sent to me by a friend.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Great Commercial

This is a great commercial. Possibly the best beer commercial I have ever seen.

This is very funny, but very instructive to human nature, and male nature. I have sent it to all members of my pack, for that reasons. Odd that the machine was the top of the totem pole, so to speak.

I got to get some of this Tiger Beer. For Jack, of course.

I know, I know. "This is what you've been doing?"

No. But these are great.


This was in the paper recently. It is a photo that is part of an exhibit that is Nerman Museum at Johnson County Cmte College.

This photo hit me. Hard. As it probably would, or does, for most weredogs, and more so werewolves. Amy Stern is the artist and the article says that her work looks at "the plight of animals in the face of suburban sprawl."

Is this coyote howling at the street light because it mistakes it for the moon, or in protest, demanding it depart, leave them some some space?

I'm Back

I have not posted to this blog for a while. No. I'm not roadkill. Just busy. Had to run off for a while, nearly 2 weeks. Done that too much this year. I don't like to do it this much. Tends to worry kids and piss off parents. Next thing you know they are talking "Snip, snip." And I ain't doing no snip-snip.

One of the things I had to travel for was startling new information about neo's, derived from that neo corpse were acquired the night of that puppy mill ambush last spring, when Jessica was killed I will post that information soon. I promise.

Also, Jason is in full ops and knows all about werefolk and neo's. Had to go talk to him, talk him down a bit. He wants revenge for Jessica.

Traveled with Warin and Caitlyn, our new weregirl. She is progressing very well, as well as I have seen.

And Rooster is gone, missing. Sherry is very worried, and so am I. Bailey keeps doing longer and longer sweeps, looking for him. I am telling her to stop, that I will find him. I don't want he to come up missing too. There is a strange scent in the air around here that worries me. It is very faint. But I smell it.

Lots of emails and things to catch up on tonight. Will probably take all night. Stay tuned.