Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Doga: Yoga for Dogs

For all you dogs and people who want to exercise together.


Don't ask me. I just work here.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Kids More Active with Dogs


Children whose families own dogs are more active than those without, according to new research.

Go figure.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Back Home -

I am back home now, have been for about three weeks. It should be three months. But I has snatched and detained. I say "detained"now, but that detention was nearly my end. Had I not been able to convince the Varans and Waerwulfas who had me chained up that my recent travels and efforts were for the good of all, it would have been my end.

One of the older twins, Braden, is back home, medically discharged from the Army, having hard times with his injury, the loss of a foot, and PTSD.

He bought a civ versn of the M4 and sleeps with it. Without it he cannot sleep. I go in each night and remove the magazine while he sleeps. But he started figuring that out, of course, and has begun stashing spare mags in his room. So I started removing the firing pin and leaving it on his dresser. He figured that out too and now twice daily breaks down, checks and cleans that M4.

Sven and Rick are doing OK, no major problems, fewer than I expected. But they do spent far too much time in the basement, in the dark, playing video games for my liking.

Tyler has been out of rehab for some time. He is doing well,

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Family At Home

Jack and Sherry and the boys are back home. I have been sniffing them repeatedly for clues. I am dumbfounded.

I spent months in this house alone, trying to figure out and find them.

They seem fine and the same, except for a very thin tendril of scent that I cannot identify, that I did not even detect on them at first, so subtle is it.

Warin told me "Go home" when I got to his house. He would not say more. I got here early morn, as Jack was making coffee. I barked to be let in and it didn't take long. He yelled and dropped to his knees and hugged me, nearly crushed me. Our noise got up the boys and Shelly, who all came running downstairs, all saying "Chester! Chester! Chester!"

I am going to spend the day staying close to them, trying to get a clue as to where they have been.

Warin told me there is a pack meeting tonight and I have to be there.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Correlation Dog Causation

An economist weredog who I know swears this is the funniest cartoon he has ever read.

Click on the cartoon to see the whole thing.

Correlation dog

SOF K-9 Memorial Unveiled

This is big in the K-9 and werefolk communities.

The SOF K-9 Memorial Foundation to Honor Fallen Canines at Airborne & Special Operations Museum

FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. - At 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, July 27, the Special Operations Forces (SOF) K-9 Memorial Foundation will host a statue unveiling and celebration at the Airborne and Special Operations Museum to memorialize the bravery and dedication of the Special Operations K-9 Soldier.

The memorial is a life-sized, bronze statue of a Belgian Malinois dressed in full combat gear. The Belgian Malinois is smart, like the German shepherd, but has shorter hair and handles heat better.

This will be the only memorial specifically dedicated to special operations K-9s in the world. Surrounding the statue are 58 paver stones listing the names of the dogs that were Killed In Action (KIA). "Like their human counter-parts, Special Operations Multi Purpose Canines (MPC) are specially selected, trained and equipped to serve in roles not expected of the traditional Military Working Dog (MWD)," said Chuck Yerry, President of the SOF K-9 Memorial Foundation. "Truly daring and brave, these dogs often lead their Soldier team-members in the most dire conditions to save lives and complete the mission."

The memorial is on the Parade Field with paver stones created from North Carolina granite. Each stone bears the name, country of origin and year a Special Operations dog was killed.

Leaving Camp, Heading Home

I got a call from Warin a few days ago. He says I have to get back there, that it is important. So, I am departing camp tonight. Will be back at Warin's house sometime during the night. What time depends on where I stop and how long along the way. There are several good to great werefolk bars and cafes between here and there.

In particular, there is a very good werewolf BBQ joint, in an out of the way location, that has some of the most amazing and unique BBQ. The werewolf who owns the place and masters the pit is a sorcerer of meat.

People do sometimes find their way to this place. But they get a different menu than werefolk. Some of the stuff on the weremenu would not please the palettes of people.

We have trained a lot of werefolk here in these recent and past months. I have been surprised at how many werefolk, even werewolves, have let go their fighting skills and instincts. Such is the lure and blur of civilized life, I suppose. I have communicated with other such training centers all over the U.S. and Canada, and the world, where the same training and results is ongoing.

I will be back in KC tomorrow. Wonder if Warin has any word or leads on Jack and the family.