I was born a dog. Some are born men, or women. The transition can go either way. It cannot be a child. Must be an adult.
The change is complicated. For some it take weeks. For some, months. It depends on how much the wereling gives him or herself over to the process.
Those going through the process we call "werelings". A wereling cannot full control their form, change back and forth at will. Even an old dog, weredog, cannot change in instantaneously. The fastest take at least ten seconds or so.
The change is not like how werewolves change in the movies. It is not painful. It does not look like bones and teeth erupting from a person, like some violent alien parasite taking over a human host. No.
When we change form it is more like looking at a mirage in the desert. To watch on transform, you are simply watching, watching, watching . . . and then, Bam! They are changed. I have watched it a hundred times, and that is the best I can describe it.
More on this later, I'm sure.
Fresh meat.
Hello! :D good description. But why do you hate wolves? I have a pack of both mixed wolves, dogs, and felines. I don't see any rivalry due to race...
Good explaination. But why hate wolves? My pack is a mix of wolves, dogs, and even felines. Almost none of my inside-pack rivalries are through race. What pack are you from? I am from Luna.
I never hated wolves. Only werewolves. And I no longer hate all werewolves. Things have changed, dramatically.
I cannot divulge my pack, not on the internet. I have been ordered not to do so. But weredog pack designations are not the same as werewolf designations. And lobo solo werewolves are not that uncommon, I am told. Not so much with weredogs.
i need The poof
"Poof"? You need to poof? And you're telling me because...?
I think he means PROOF. He wants proof of this.
Hey. My name is Chelsea, and I'm a (so far) solo werewolf basically on the brink of her first shift. I have a good chunk of potential to shift into a dog (namely Husky). It can go either way at this point.
Any tips/advice for me?
Chelsea, I'm not sure that I can give you any tips. What I can tell you is that you have to follow your instincts, your heart, that inner howl, or growl, that so often beckons you and leads you in ways you are not often aware, as to which songs or paintings grab your eyes, which books make you howl or growl, which weres and which people you are drawn to.
There was a day that I would have told you to stay away from werewolves. But things are not as they once were. Things between weres, dogs and wolves, are not as simple now. The old hatreds, and taboos, have given way to greater threats and needs.
Do you know any weres? Talk to them. Get close to them so that you can get a sense of their scent. Listen to their voice, all the various waves and nuances of their voice(s). Watch how they move. Paying attention to these things will help you to know what and how they are. Remember, the pack with which you run forms and affects you. So choose wisely.
I assume that you are originally human, given that you have not shifted yet, and that you have been selected and recruited by werewolves, good ones, not rampagers, I hope. If you have not yet shifted, then you could, possibly, change your selection and become a weredog. I think. And you would then have some leverage in the dog form you would take, which breed you would assume in dog form, which would also affect your wereform.
But be advised, there are good werewolves just as there are (and I cannot believe I am typing this) bad weredogs. I never would have admitted that a few short years ago. I might get into trouble for it. But what the hell. Things are not as simple as they once were, and possibly never actually were all that simple.
I actually haven't been recruited by anyone. I've been doing this on my own, and really have just been THAT lucky to get this far, mostly due to my sheer dumb-luck and stubbornness. That's why I was asking you, and thank you for the advice.
Wolf or dog, I can feel it calling me from deep deep down. The call of something other than human, more "pure" than human. That's what my heart says.
Anyways, thank you. If there's anything more you want to say, I'll be following this page for awhile.
I have never heard or read of someone coming over, becoming a were, on her or his own. That seems to me kind of like learning to fly on your own. It poses all sorts of questions.
That voice, or yearning, or whatever, that you hear or feel calling from "deep, deep down" might be your primal nature, your reptilian brain, the voices of your ancestors, calling from around open-pit fires one-hundred thousand years ago. Everyone has that. Most people hear it. Most do not listen to it. It is hard-coded into your DNA, my DNA, everyone and everything's.
That voice is why climbers climb, why roamers roam, why some hunters hunt. People seek that primal voice on beaches and in mountains and in remote woods. The further from the cacophony of civilization the better one can hear it.
This is also why people have pets, dogs, yes, but also cats and birds and gerbils and a myriad of other species, keep them in their homes and shower them more and more with affection.
Being with other humans is good for humans. So is being with other species. Living with a dog is a constant reminder that humans are not alone on this world, and, of course, that that individual is not alone. I can assure you, a dog is worth more than the best psychiatrist in terms of getting one's heart and head straight. But then I am a bit biased.
I know it sounds weird; I've actually spent many, many hours days weeks and months delving into it and other related phenomenon and have developed a way to do it, which I'm going through now. My way is undoubtedly different than yours, but it's effective. Probably the biggest differences are that it's painful, and some physical features in human form permanently change. It can be described as learning to fly on my own, but even all the hardships coming with this it's worth it.
I'm intrigued. What "delving" have you done? What sources and research have you leaned upon? Ancient sources? Modern? And which features permanently change? I have never heard of anyone doing a conversion without support or supervision of other weres. You're being safe, right?
Mostly, I've taken tiny bits of truth from many modern sources(New Age Books, forums online, people who claim to be weres, and even some totally non-were related phenomena), and found a way to fit them together into a viable method. The physical characteristics vary, my hips have shrunk, I've gained more wolf-like characteristics such as fangs, and my upper body has actually gained a lot of muscle that would correspond to a wolf's body, my neck especially. (I do not work out frequently enough or strenuously enough to gain this kind of muscle)I am being safe; I've been experimenting before actually doing anything and figuring out safe areas to go once I do shift, and if I have to, places I can go. If everything goes well, the shifts won't be as long as you make yours sound, only a few hours at first. It will have a "rubber band" effect: it'll stretch, but come back after awhile. Over time the rubber band will get worn in, and have less rebound and stretch farther. The only problem is that it hurts, otherwise I could've done it by now, that and school. But I think I'm doing well considering this.
Chelsea, you need a pack. Everyone needs a pack. Do you have a pack, either human or were? Even some wild werewolves would be better than doing this alone.
The purpose of existence, I believe, is two-fold:
1) To live.
2) To connect.
Living and connecting propagate each other. The more you live, the move you connect; the more you connect, the more you live. Connecting in terms of all species and sights and sounds and stimuli. I have smelled people, even weredogs, who got to such a dark place that they could not connect with sunlight.
All matter has this drive and need to connect. It is why the first amino acids combined, connected, to form the first rudimentary life so many hundreds of millions of years ago. It is why the earth and all planets form. It is why males and females mate, sometimes for life, and why humans and dogs formed this partnership so many eons ago.
So. Are you connected? Got support?
No, I don't. I figured as long as I was careful I could do this. Do you know any packs I can join?
I am a possible weredog. I though I was a werewolf for the longest time until very recently. I have what seemed like dreams of being a dobermin atleast mostly. I have a gut feeling these were not dreams. I know wolves are the most common and dominant of the weres but I am starting to like the fact I may be a Dobermin. Atleast mostly. When I see myself in that form I have the cropped ears and such. (though my tail is not cropped) I am also well female. I hope we can talk sometime. I am not asking location or anything but I do seek a pack.
Hi, Cealial. Yes, you need to find a pack, or at least others, friends, those who you can trust and relate to on the weredog level.
Being a wereDobie is good. Not many would mess with or threaten a wereDobie. Or they would do so at their own peril. Have you ever lived with a Dobie, Doberman? Do you live with any dogs now? In the past?
So your therianthropic transformation is spontaneous? That is rare. But, as you know, happens. But there has to be some sort of catalyst, something dogish, or canine, and sometimes a perceived threat. Are you safe?
Finding a pack is not always easy. Your scent is key. Weredogs, like all dogs, and wolves, live in a world of scents and odors, to which they are either attracted or repelled. Be aware of others, of how others move and smell and sound as you go about your days. There might also not be any werefolk near you, which is possible.
Good luck. Fresh meat to you.
I did also e-mail you about a possible bad situation There are no other weres near me as far as i can tell. I have bad eyesight though thats irrelevant. And ya so far I cannot controll when the phases happen. The only one I trust with what I am is my husband. I have lived with a dog in the past her name was Sandy but she had to be put to sleep do to cancer. It was many years ago with my human family. Then we had a very small dog Lady until I had to leave to well where I am noww and its been alittle over 3 years now. Other then that I have no offical pack. I now live with my husband and his aunt and uncle and 2 cats.
I also remeber the night before I do not now remeber why but I was in dog form checking out a warehouse or something. Something was going on. This all seems like a dream but I know itys not for some reason. I am not sure if this is normal. Anyway something was going on Unless it was a puppy mill.. I know there is not much we can freveil here. Like I said I did send an important e-mail.
Cealial, I don't know what your bad situation is. But at least you have someone who you can trust, your husband. And in many ways a family, you husband, aunt and uncle, is a pack. And if you are in danger you need to go to the police. Many weredogs I know are cops. Many of us are drawn to it.
So you were checking out a warehouse and you're not sure if it was a dream or real? Bad idea todo any sort of patrol or recon or such, including checking out warehouses, without support and backup, thus the need of a pack and pack mates.
Puppy mills are often bad places that can disturb weredog psychology and mindset. Again, going near or into one, for recon or rescue ops, should not be done alone.
I dont recall getting an email from you. I will check.
Been unable to get to emails and blog lately. Busy times.
I remeber during the whole warehouse part there was someone with me but I do not know who it was if a weredog that dog was in human form. He seemed to where black. I have not been back to that place since then. I hope your doing ok. I am in no danger anymore. but did see a very disturbing vid this morning of a human female throwing puppies into a river. I hope she gets caught. I have not heard from you in a while are things ok? I am a concerned Doberman.
Listen to your intuitions about people, and dogs and wolves and werefolk, and everything and everyone else. Intuition is just the reading of stimuli that is not measured or understood by humans.
I don't even watch vids like that. Weredogs are not supposed to react to acts and people like that. But, sometimes, it is hard not to.
Just got back in town. Been on the road.
o wow. Ya I am real glad your back. Are you ok? I have been basicly facing human family problems now. Suddenly the aunt of my husband no longer even wants us around and not even saying why or what we did or said it was so sudden. I am not sure what happened. But it was a very sudden change. So now I have no pack BUT my husband so I am still dumbfounded and often depressed. I hate being around alot of negativity.
Cea, yeah, me too. Negativity is not good for canids or people, or anything living. You and your hub need to try to not take on whatever shit your aunt is dishing up. Unless she will talk to you about whatever it is. But sounds like she won't. So chest la vie. Adios.
A pack would not do that without reason. Keep looking. Your pack is out there.
Had to slip out of town for a while. Back now.
ya she still hates us and does not want us around. I do have one more human friend who does not know what I am but.. it is fine with me.
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