This crossed my radar recently, cracked me up. Sparkle howled over it. Even Flecka got it and laughed about it. Although, I had to explain it to her 3 times.

I would like to know where these 2 churches are, and when this interesting exchange took place.
I have never understood this need of some people to believe that only humans have souls, and favor with their God. I have been a weredog for a very long time and I no more understand it now than Day 1. My suspicion is that religion is just an excuse, that the instinctual drive for dominance is the root reason.
1 comment:
Even I don't understand why some people don't accept that animals have souls. I guess it's like you said, it's about dominance over others. I guess if people believe that animals don't have souls then it gives the right to do as they please or not treat them with the same respect that they would give a human.
There's some people who think that if it becomes true that animals do have souls then it will be wrong to eat meat; kind of reminds me of the reason some people don't accept that animals are intelligent or sapient, they think that by accepting that fact then it means they can't eat meat. I just shake my head at such reasoning. I accept that animals have souls, are intelligent, and are sapient, yet I still eat meat; maybe it's because my mind is fox like and so I view things from a more simple out look. My view on thing when it comes to another being is it falls with in one of three categories; it's part of the group (friend, family, lover, acquaintance, etc.), it's a threat (competition, enemy, rival, predator, foe, etc.), or it's food. I guess humans just have to make things more complex then things really are at times.
And as for the whole dogs being animals thing, what does that church think humans are? Humans are just technologically advanced animals.
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