Received this recently from a friend, a weredog. It is interesting for several reasons.
One - It is hard t say when this pic was taken. This is a young Marine. You can tell from the cammies. Those are USMC digital commies. But, he is also wearing older web/vest gear, in the old BDU pattern, the green, brown, sand and black stuff. And that is an older model of M16, not an M4.
Also, the guy behind him is wearing the old "chocolate chip" desert cammies. He is Iraqi. You can also tell from his helmet. The US has not used chocolate chips since the early 90s.
The most amazing thing about this is that this young troop, who is on patrol, decided to save this puppy. And, apparently, his platoon sergeant did not stop him.
We weres never cease to be amazed at the human capacity for good and for evil, and how they co-exist, side by side, often in the same person. This kid takes the time and risk to save this puppy, at least for a while, and may turn around and shoot some hadji just for the hell of it.
By the way, there is no doubt that the most fearsome predator on the planet today is the young US Army or USMC private. There is no predator more dangerous or unpredictable. Anywhere.
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