I just got a call. There is a situation up north, in KC, KS, that I have to help with this week.
No idea where my family went to. They bolted out of here this morning and I have no idea where.
The situation up north is that a member of the pack up there has gotten involved with a bunch of squatters that are living in an old, abandoned, rather large house. They have been fixing it up, making repairs. But they look and smell like a small herd of musk ox. Very shaggy and tattered.
A judge was going to evict them. They are, in the eyes of the law, trespassing. But the property has ben abandoned for 2 decades. Days before he court-ordered eviction the neighbors, around the property in question, went to and pleaded with the judge not to kick the kids out. Most of them are in their 20s.
This is happening in cities al over the U.S., in cities with high property abandonment rates. Judges are ignoring the letter of the law and allowing squatters to stay in houses that they are improving. Not in all cities and cases. But in many.
The situation up north here is that the freegan squatters have been given a deadline and list of improvements that must be met for them to be able to stay. That is why Salis called me, because they are in risk of not making the deadline and I have some skills that can help them. So I will.
Salis says these are good kids. She has a loyalty to one or some or all of them. Not sure which. I will find out, I'm sure. She said not to be surprised at the condition of the house. "Think chic poverty," she said. Can't wait to see that. And her herd of oxen.
I cannot decide if this squatting trend defies or supports the idea that "possession is 9/10s of the law."
This will require that I slip away for a day. Hopefully not more. That will probably mean pissing off Jack. I have "run off" some many times in the past year that I think he is ready to string me up. Bad place to be with Jack. But sometimes such things cannot be helped.
The photo above is not the house, but is similar in size and setting.
There are some things I need to pickup. So, hopefully, I will be able to do that while I am out and about on this house run. You cannot buy .40 cal. ammo at night. And it has gotten so damned expensive.
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