Sunday, August 29, 2010
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Dionna, Missing
We had a fight. She got very mad at me. I don't know what set her off.
I did communicate with a werewolf there in Grand Lake who said he has not seen her around. He said he would check around for her. He said things have gotten bad there. He did not elaborate. I assume it has to do with the neos.
Reports are coming to the pack of increased neo activity. Jason even says that his ops are getting dicier due to neos. Last week he nearly waltzed into an ambush.
Dionna, Warin. I am worried.
Canis Lupus Familiaris?
I was out tonight, following Sven around, making sure he did not get into trouble. He and Rick and their teen shenanigans are going to place more strain on my time. Anyway, at a new bar called the Blue Moose I overheard 2 guys talking about this. Turns out they were both vets. I made no comments to them. I do that now, here.
The dog-man alliance started long before human scientists theorize that it did. It began around 3 million to 2.5 million years ago. In the beginning we kept hominids around as pets and companions. Really.
This was also around the time when our problems with wolves began. Some weredogs say that we were a type of wolf, different from wolves, that our species bonded with humans in a way that was preordained.
Around 2.6 mya homos arose from hominids. Homo erectus first stood, started crafting tools and weapons, migrated out of Africa, and everything changed.
We don’t know what happened around that time. But something kick-started ours and many other species, as many species spun off werefolk. Some werefolk say that humans are simply wereapes, and that some time in the distant past humans lost the ability or the desire for ape form.
How could I be in a bar and keep an eye on Sven, you might be wondering. There are ways, both technological and primal. Actually, I knew when he left and was right behind him.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Varans originated in the 10th Century A.D. as Varangians. They were Russian Vikings turned imperial guards to Byzantium emperors. They were the elite warriors in war and the last policemen you wanted to see during peace. Legend is that as many as half of the Varangians were weredogs.
Their job is that of order. But what about the waerwulfas? you might ask. True.
The Varans have a simmering feud with the waerwulfas of which no one outside those two groups knows the history.
They are neither dog nor wolf. More refined and more terrifying than either, much larger and more powerful, more intelligent and driven.
They found me in Des Moines. I was up there to see some weredogs about a neo operation they had uncovered. We stopped it, with about a dozen weredogs and 4 werewolves. But we did not detect the salmonela eggs disaster. That was neos also. But that was much less than their primary plan.
The Varans told me they had first been told to come kill me, that I had been ignoring instructions to stop certain activities, one of which is this blog. Then they told me that just before they found me their mission changed and they were told to deliver a message.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
The is only one homo species around today. Homo sapiens - Humans. There have been at least 20 homos. I am told.
Most of the large mammals of today will be gone, extinct, in the near future. Elephants and rhinos will not be around long. Or bears. Or tigers or lions. There simply is not enough room for them. And humans do not have the capacity for the changes that would be necessary for them to survive.
Most species last around 1,000,000 years before they go extinct or evolve into a new species. Canines have beat that by a broad margin. Homo sapiens just got started. Or did you? Many dogs are nervous about that question.
Singing Dog for God (?)
Is this guy serious or is this a joke? Can someone enlighten us?
Monday, August 23, 2010
Bruno's Old Bud
I was in Nam way too long, jumping back and forth between human and dog forms. That war just got into my blood, like no other I had known. The war was everywhere. There was no rear area, no behind the lines, no safe zone.
Steve, this guy I saw a couple weeks ago, was one of the best men I ever knew. Ever. He was tough and strong and kind and smart and funny and generous to a fault. He was killed on patrol.
I went nuts. I was labeled a mad dog, dangerous, unusable, and shoved in a cage and forgot. I was scheduled to be destroyed. I didn't give a shit.
I wound up at another SF camp, thanks to my reputation. I had a reputation for being a mad dog, but a great perimeter security dog and good even on patrol. And I was always good with the SF guys. So they trusted me. I ran in the wire nights, ate in the team hootch, even went on some patrols. The team guys were amazed that I never barked, or even growled, when Charlie was close.
The camp got hit. I barely made it out.
I moved to III Corp, assumed the identity of a GI from II Corps. Wasn't that hard. Just have to make sure you are not in the same unit of the guy you become. You don't want to run into someone who knew your new identity. But if you do, as long as you have a common name, like "Smith," nothing is likely to happen. and disappearing is always easy.
I wanted to grab my old buddy the other day, embrace him, tell him how happy I was to see him, that he is still alive and looking good. His scent was strong and healthy, even for an old guy. It had not changed that much. Instead I just smiled at him, nodded, said "Howdy." He said hello back, and looked me over a few moments. His lips parted like he was going to say something. But I kept moving. If he had said anything I might have said too much. It is hard, sometimes, being a weredog.
Weredog Betrayal
100,000 years ago werewolves allied themselves with neanderthals, against the new humans, homo sapiens. About that same time weredogs and homo sapiens formed their alliance. Homo sapiens came on the scene about 150,000 years ago, not the 100K to 120K that scientists currently speculate.
Cro-magnons, neanderthals, then homo-sapiens all have been killing machines. Sapers are the top killers. Afterall, it is they who wiped out the cros and neanders. The neander-saper war lasted many thousands of years. But the end was never in doubt. Not for us.
Man is capable of such violence and barbarity, but also such beauty - art, literature, poetry, and so many delicious way to prepare meat. It spins the mind.
Even werewolves are in awe of the art of man. This awe drives their fear and hatred of mankind s. Many weredogs over the years have studied art and literature, to try to understand it, to try to imitate it. We cannot.
Man has forgotten our transgressions against him. But we have not. Werewolves remember it all even more. They feel we have betrayed them in throwing in with mankind, then giving up on the fight, with them against mankind, several times. They believe domestication is enslavement. Werewolves have, traditionally, loathed society, conformity, rules, laws, ownership, all the rest that goes with that. They claim domestication makes any species weak. They believe only by living in the woods can one remain strong.
Of course, as we all know, werewolves recently have been adapting to and living in society. Many still remain in the woods. But many live now in cities. Ironically, werewolves make good farmers and ranchers. As long as they do not eat all their profit.
Another irony is that there is now, and always has been, pockets ad patches within civilization and most large cities that have more wilderness and primal barbarity than any stretch of woods, mountains or desert.
When Weredogs Go Bad
When it does it is dealt with, that dog is dealt with, by other weredogs, usually his or her own pack, “with extreme prejudice.”
That may seem harsh. But it is necessary and has always been our way.
So when or how does a weredog “cross the line?” Opinions and attitudes on that have been changing. Many have said, over the past couple years, that I have crossed a line, with this blog, and in several other ways. But I am still here.
Werewolves often deal with their own. But when they do not, and their transgressions have brought harm on humans, then weredogs have traditionally dealt with it. When weredogs cannot deal with the situation, then that is when the waerwulfas or the varans intercede.
Varans, sometimes called Varangos, deal with dogs and wolves who cannot be dealt with by their own packs, or by any other means. Few survive a visit from the Varans.
Were justice is an ancient logic of which human used to subscribe. Until only the past several centuries justice was dispensed amongst people by monarchs and the church, often working together. A small caste of enforcers, who usually were also warriors, soldiers, dealt with the transgressors. Courts were few, and controlled by royalty and clergy.
The concepts of egalitarian law, and international law, are very new to mankind. Dogs are split on their efficacy. Some say they lead to inaction, that order requires strong leaders with absolute powers. Others say that equal rights or all is essential for the future of mankind, canines, for the survival of the planet, and that the United States really is based on equal rights for all. But all agree that often it does no seem that is the case.
So, who decides crimes, the lines to be crossed, and who metts out punishments, are at the heart of packs and civilizations, their survival and legacy.
All I know is that I do not want another visit from the Varans, and do not want to come to the attention of human justice and enforcement authorities. No thank you.
Were and Human History
Werefolk came onto the scene around the same time that hominids appeared, around 5 to 6 million years ago. Coincidence? Maybe. No one has yet made a connection.
Primates were not at the top of the food chain. Matter of fact they were more toward the bottom.
Weres proliferated for several million years. There were werecats and weresloths and werehorses and wereseals. You name it. Likely there was a were form of it. Heard of minotaurs? Centaurs? Mermaids? Silkies? Hello? We were nearly the dominant family. And werewolves were nearly the dominant species.
Some weres claim that man is actually the wereape, that humans were originally weres that stayed in homo form. There are other theories, of course.
But something did happen. Something got into the hominid genome. This occurred around 2.6 mya. Hominids, humanoids, started to develop in ways that even we weres (other weres?) could not grasp.
Then arrived homos, Homo erectus. The thumbs and shoulders were bad enough. But mankind developed mental and emotional abilities that were scary. Truly scary. He attained cognitive and communication abilities that were far beyond any other species.
It came down to werewolves and man, as to who was the top predator.
At various times the earth was populated by more than one hominid. Homo erectus and Australopithicus co-existed. There were several species of werewolves also. Weredogs are one of those later variants.
Eventually mankind prevailed and became the top predator. Two things them happened. All the other weres disappeared, wiped out by man. Werewolves split into two camps, those who believed an alliance with mankind was essential to survival and the other that believed destroying mankind was our only way to salvation.
One of the mysteries is human form. All were take human form, but are not human. And there is no memory or knowledge of homos being weres. I know of no theories of why that is.
The werewolves who allied with mankind became weredogs. This was 20,000 years before domesticated dogs. The man-hating werewolves swore to destroy us also. Eventually they threw in with the neanders. Thus began a long and bloody internecine war that lasted eons, many thousands of years.
Even though we were allied with man, we weredogs eventually learned the need to keep our wereness secret from man. The Vikings knew of it. They were the last to possess that common knowledge. To this day, until now, until this blog, we have kept our wereness hidden from man. But few believe it.
A few numbers:
Earth is 4.5 billion years old.
Life formed 3.5 billion years ago.
Simple plants, algae - 1.2 bya
Land plants, trees and grass - 450 mya
Dinos and mammals showed up on the scence about 270 mya.
Bye-bye dinos - 65 mya.
Canines - 40 mya.
Felines - 25 mya.
Weres and Hominids - 5 mya.
Homos (erectus, sapiens, etc.) - 2.6 mya.
Neanderthals - 250K years ago
Homo sapiens - 100K
Agriculture - 10K
Civilization - 6K
Dinos and mammals started at about the same time, around 270 million years ago.
There have been global cataclysmic events 5 times in the past billion years. The last time was 65 million years ago: Bye-bye dinos. Mass extinctions occured in each of those 5 periods. The next mass extinction is not expected for another 13 millions years, if the patterns stand true, which they tend not to.
There have been 10 ice ages. The last one ended 8,000 years ago. During each was an explosion of evolution. Harsh times propagate adaptation.
18,000 years ago 5.5% of the world’s water was trapped in arctic ice. Today 1.7% is. The world was very dry 18,000 years ago. Many species have died out.
Sorry if this redundant or cryptic. It has been difficult for me to organize all that I have learned in the last year, some of it shocking and disturbing.
Still Here
I was ambushed by neo's about a month ago. No serious wounds. But several new scars and lots of black and blue. 2 weeks later I was ambushed by 2 werewolves wanting to settle a score. Relations between weredogs and werewolves have changed and warmed a bit, but history and old scores have not been forgotten.
I have been trying to keep Jason from getting himself or his people killed, and from making any blunders that will bring us too much attention. I have assigned a weredog to his crew, to stay with him and report back to the pack anything and everything.
The grand pack ordered me to shut down this blog. But other voices interceded. Before that intercession I was paid a visit by Varans, not a happy prospect for any weredog.
Dionna claims I betrayed her and said she never wants to smell me again. Now she has disappeared and I cannot contact her.
My family is in crisis. Sven and Rick are in high school. God help us. Braden is in Stan. Tyler is out of rehab. Sherry and Jack are about to combust. And I cannot keep tabs on all of them and take care of all these other issues and yahoos.
I have spent far too much time in human and were form these past 2 years, especially this past year. This complicates things.
I have had to do more healing, laying around and resting. But that has been hard, given all the emergencies and crises.
I promised that I would share recently learned and disturbing information. And I will that. Right now. Hold your hats and strap down your ears. Here we go.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Eating Sh*t
People have this odd hang-up about shit. Why?
Jack and I went to the dog run the other day. It was good to be out, just the 2 of us. I have not been able to keep tabs on him, to monitor and review his emails and texts and all that, due to all I have going on, being gone most nights, and the mysterious schedule he has been keeping.
Jack gave me a rash of shit about, well, sniffing shit. Dogs sniff shit. We don't do it to sample it as a snack. We do it to get a reading on the dog who deposited it. By sniffing dog shit I can tell just about everything I need to know about that dog - What he eats, how he eats, where he lives, and what kind of people he lives with.
I could get the same info from humans if not for the tendency of humans to flush all their shit, which is good because people shit more than elephants, proportionate to their size and weights.
This human repulsion to shit is odd. Of course, sometimes the repulsion shifts to fetish.
I have been spending more time tracking and watching over the boys, Sven and Rick. Now that they are teens their night-time forays are getting later and more wide-ranging. And I have smelt werewolf on them several times. That does not flip me out like it used to. But smelling neo on them does, which I have detected on them twice in the past month.
I have known a dog who had a shit fetish and aversion. He was very skittish and high-strung. But that is another story for another time.
Monday, August 16, 2010
House Dads
culture. This is because, on a primal level, we know that a man cannot
do what men must do when he is in the house. Men are meant to go out
and hunt, to bring home the meat, stand on the wall, fight the
battles. None of that can be done while carrying a laundry basket.
A high percentage of "successful" businessmen are not good fathers.
They do not have time to be. Kids are a distraction. No time for that.
Money to be made. "Success" also tends to stoke the ego, to make one
more self-centered, self-absorbed. This is for a reason. For many
thousands, even millions of years ago, males had to hunt for the pack or
tribe to survive. Anything that distracted him from that jeopardized
the survival of the group. That impulse is till hard-wired into the
male psyche.
It is the same for dogs, for wolves. This domestication gig is
relatively new, going back maybe 10,000 years for man, with the advent of agriculture. The human race goes back 5 million years. Canines date back 40 million years.
Ironic that dogs were domesticated before mankind.
So the drive to bring home meat derives from the survival instinct.
And today meat requires money. No money, no meat, literally and figuratively. This just adds to the angst and anger that characterizes human cultures today.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Burning Man Attrracts Canines
Burning Man is a rare event in that it attracts both weredogs and werewolves. Never been myself. But I need to go this September, with 1 or 2 other dogs. Either that or send a trusted proxy.
Here is the Burning Man site:
There will be 1 dog and 1 wolf there from whom I need information. And they are only accessible once a year, at this event.
I am tired of the road. Need some nap dog time.
Busy with a Retrieval
I have been going out with Jason, surveying puppy mills, doing target folders, making plans, training. He thinks that neos are behind many of the large corporate labs that drive the puppy mills, the "class B" dealers that buy any dogs brought to them and sell to the labs. He claims he is in contact with people working inside labs to gather intel and evidence to indict the labs. And he still wants to take down puppy mills the hard way, especially if it means taking down some neos.
We just today retrieved a pack member from a dog hell in Arkansas. She volunteered to do it, and took serious risks to do it.
Several months ago dogs were disappearing in her neighborhood. A dog who was a god friend of hers came up missing. She asked us, her pack, to help her find her friend and bust these bunchers who were stealing dogs. We agreed.
Without going into details, she managed to run into the bunchers and got nabbed. She wound up in Arkansas where she was sold to a Class B dog dealer. We managed to stay in contact with her the entire time. A team, a weredog and a werewolf, kept her under surveillance the entire time. The plan was that they would call us of the extraction team if things got bad enough, at any time.
After several months of this we decided to pull her out this past weekend. So we went down and got her. She never did find her friend. Must have been sold to another dealer, or to a lab already. We put out the word, asking weredogs all over AR and MS to try and locate this dog, her friend. Not wagging my wail yet. Some werewolves have even responded, said they would have some looks.
When we went in to get her she said she would not leave without all the other dogs. I understood. This place was dog hell - tiny, filthy kennels. The dogs all were emaciated and terrified. There were 2 dogs dead the night we went in. There were 212 dogs in that place. I wanted to hurt someone.
There were eight of us, total. We did the only thing we could do, given that our packmate said she would not leave even one dog there. So we sent 2 to the house to hold the owners, at gunpoint, while the rest of us loaded up all the dogs into the 3 trucks that were there, and we left.
We drove to Little Rock. We called ahead, had other vehicles waiting, transfered all the dogs to the new trucks. Then we went separate ways. There were 2 weres in each truck, one driving and the other making calls, locating fosters and shelters for every dog.
So we are glad to have her back. Her family is too. I was the one who called them and dropped her off. I was in human form, of course. I will go check on her tomorrow.
The bunchers disappeared. I suspect it was werewolves, and that the werewolf on the surveillance team called and gave them up to some wolves only too happy seek penance. Also, we put the fear of Dog . . . er, God into the owners of the dog kennel, the Class B dealers who own the dog hell we liberated. How? How do you think? Several weredogs and werewolves encircling a person and promising grissly death has a profound impact on the human psyche.
Also, Flecka and Baily are failing. Their scent is not good. I have been so busy I hadn't even noticed, until tonight.
Warin, can you contact me? I need an update on you and Caitlyn. Are you both OK? Are you still on North America?