Saturday, August 28, 2010

Canis Lupus Familiaris?

No. Weredogs, and dogs, hold to “Canis familiaris.” We are no longer lupus, and have not been for a very long time. Shouldn’t we know, after all? Wolves are wolves and dogs are dogs. We are no more wolves than humans are neanders.

I was out tonight, following Sven around, making sure he did not get into trouble. He and Rick and their teen shenanigans are going to place more strain on my time. Anyway, at a new bar called the Blue Moose I overheard 2 guys talking about this. Turns out they were both vets. I made no comments to them. I do that now, here.

The dog-man alliance started long before human scientists theorize that it did. It began around 3 million to 2.5 million years ago. In the beginning we kept hominids around as pets and companions. Really.

This was also around the time when our problems with wolves began. Some weredogs say that we were a type of wolf, different from wolves, that our species bonded with humans in a way that was preordained.

Around 2.6 mya homos arose from hominids. Homo erectus first stood, started crafting tools and weapons, migrated out of Africa, and everything changed.

We don’t know what happened around that time. But something kick-started ours and many other species, as many species spun off werefolk. Some werefolk say that humans are simply wereapes, and that some time in the distant past humans lost the ability or the desire for ape form.

How could I be in a bar and keep an eye on Sven, you might be wondering. There are ways, both technological and primal. Actually, I knew when he left and was right behind him.

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