In various and numerous meetings, all over the country and the world, these are the current major topics of concern for werefolk, in general.
Climate is something that worries weres. It mystifies us that so many people think that man cannot affect the planet or change it, or that scientists will find ways to fix everything. Really? Water is another big worry. Werescientists worry more about water than oil.
Religion - Weres have never really understood religion. We understand it in concept, the need to believe in something bigger than ourselves, something beyond the physical, beyond death. But how people articulate and argue over and within it is a mystery to us.
We understand that there is good and bad religion. We see the value and danger of religion. Religion can be liberating, positive and tolerant. It can also be focused on violence, dogma and obedience. We don’t understand how anyone could belong to a religion that strives to dominate or convert or destroy another. We don’t understand how so many evil things have been done, and are done, in the name of religion. We don’t understand how so many people can cleave to religious beliefs that contradict facts and self-interest. We think more humans ought to try howling at the moon.
Education - Ignorance is not bliss. Humans taught us that. Education is always good. Those who oppose education can only be interested in tyranny. And public education is a cornerstone of democracy. Religious schools are a cornerstone of theocracy. Example: the Taliban madrasses. Religious schools are interested in promoting dogma and obedience, not knowledge and truth. I don't know of any exceptins.
Migration - Can’t be stopped. Life migrates. It moves. The history of the human race, of every race, of every species, is one of migration. Cross pollination, genetic and cultural, is essential to every species, including humans.
The Brain and Soul - No one really understands the brain or the soul yet, not man or were. Thus no one can foresee their potentials. There are some who talk about harnessing the brain. For what? For whom? How? Would this involved releasing it or enslaving it? Technology is always a double-edged sword. I know. I have watched many technologies cut both ways in my more than 250 year life span.
Liberty - individual liberty is at risk in every corner of the world now, for every species. So is survival. More human government is unavoidable. Anyone who talks about smaller government is either naive or lying. Conservatives or liberals, makes no difference. Human overpopulation, dwindling resources, such as oil and even water, crime, terror, war, desensitization to violence, all of it is pushing governments toward greater need for control - surveillance, protection, from others and selves, policing, safety, defense, control, hierarchy, tyranny. Weres and dogs are nervous about what this will mean for us.
Technology - is both liberating and enslaving humans. And dogs. It is having profound affects on brains, were and human alike. It, technology, plays a central role in surveillance and tyranny. Advances in weapons, CBI (computer-brain-interface), cloning, genetic engineering, nanotechnology, AI (artificial intelligence), and many other technologies are influencing human evolution, and the evolution of other species. It is a likely key in the speciation and threat of the neo’s.
Manipulation of the Minute - Mankind is tinkering more and more with genes and molecules and atoms and electrons and cloning and aminos and cells, in order to make weapons, profits and happier, more perfect humans. There are always unintended results. There will be with these efforts also. Weres are nervous.
Over and Under Population - Human overpopulation is driving down populations of most other species, with the exception of dogs, cats, and cows. Maybe some other domesticated species, like horses. But the obvious logic that troubles many weredogs and werewolves is that if this trend continues, if human population continues at the rate it is on track now, then resources will become more and more scarce. It will become harder and harder to feed everyone. There will not be enough cows and pigs. Now I love bacon. But the more troubling outcome is that inevitably dogs and cats will be on the menu. After that there is only one last option for humans to feed themselves.