At about 0612 this morning I heard terrified barking and a woman or girl scream in terror. Before I could get a bark going Jack came busting out of the bathroom, yelling, "Chester! Let's go!"
This is not uncommon. During the warm months, especially in the spring and fall, Jack and I will respond to cat screams several time a month. Always in the middle of the night. Usually it is some tom cat threatening or messing with one of our cats. Once it was an enormous owl.
When we bolt to the rescue we just get downstairs and outside as fast as we can. Jack once did so naked. I have never had that problem. Bella used to be part of our IRF (Instantaneous Reaction Force) when she was alive.
This morning was different. The barks and screams were not from cats and not from our yard. Jack went out the front door. I was right behind him, barking like a mad dog. Jack was wearing only terry cloth pajama bottoms. No shoes or shirt.
We followed the ruckus to the east side of the house, to a neighbor's. There in the front yard was a girl and a dachshund being snarled at by 2 coyotes. It knew them before I saw them. I smelled them a few feet out the front door. they were large for coyotes.
As you know, I have a fondness for coyotes. But I do not have a fondness for them snacking on dachshunds. Jack was bellowing like a grizzly. I was barking like a hell hound. He was waving his arms. My hackles were up like knives. We charged the coyotes like this. They, of course, bolted. Jack said, "Get 'em, Chester!" I gave chase.
My intention was to run them off, to instill in them the lesson never to return to our neighborhood. I did not want to hurt them. But coyotes can be dangerous, and are famous for being wily. So when I chased them down into the field nearby and they turned and faced me, I thought, "Uh oh."
Worst case was I would get some new bites and scars. But I have so many new ones of late that this did not sound fun. So I was putting on the breaks thinking about defensive tactics when one of them said, "Good. Now that you are here follow us." That I was not expecting. They trotted off. The second one glanced back and said, "Come one. Bo is waiting."
So I went to meet and talk to Bo. Definitely not expected. More on Bo later.
I ran back home. Jack was trying to get the boys, Sven and Rick, up. In true teen tradition, they do not like to get up. Jack was still wearing only the light weight pajama bottoms. One sniff told me he had been on the toilet when we heard the screams, and had not stopped to wipe. No one else but me smelled that. But I am sure Jack felt it.
Hell of a way to start the day. Hope that girl is not too traumatized, either from her encounter with the coyotes, or from her encounter with us, Jack half naked, and me looking and acting like something from a SciFi Channel demon movie.
Everyone cleared out of here early and fast this morning. I am going to whip up something yummy for Flecka and I. And maybe the cats. Rooster needs to protein. He is getting too skinny. And there are lots of leftovers in the fridge that need clearing. The way Sven has been eating, no one will notice or question.
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