Common Werefolk/Werewolf Bullshit
Werefolk cannot only shift during a full moon - Bullshit. We can shift anytime we want to, day or night, any day of the month, but should not hold in wereform for too long. And we should stay in human or canine phase for the duration, depending on which phase we are in, and where we are living. If not, problems can arise.
Werewolves are murdering monsters who have no control in the need to kill and eat their victims - Bullshit. Werewolves, some, like to indulge in that from time to time, but are no more out of control than weredogs are in terms of their diets or violence.
Werewolves carry the souls of their victims - This is something new and interesting that Glen Duncan, the author, does with this story. It is interesting. But just how would that work? Werefolk are biological organisms just like people and parakeets. This implies some manner of mysticism that is beyond silly.
Humans are a species of sheep upon which all werewolves feeds at their leisure - Total bullshit. Humans are the most lethal and dangers species in this or any other planet. Why else would we, weredogs and werewolves, hide our existence from people. Even we, weredogs, do not dare make ourselves known to people, even to our families. Humans as sheep? Yeah, right.
Vampires - Total fiction and silliness. Come on. Really? A species of humanoid-parasites that survives on consuming just blood? And shifts rom human form to a freaking bat, so that they can fly away? And burns up in the sun? Really? Puh-leeeeease. I've never understood this weird fiction and its allure for so many people. And why a bat, for fuck sake? Why not a cat? How much cooler would it be if vampires changed into flying cats and not a flying rodent? Now that would make sense, vampires as cats, and would lend allot to the whole werewolf-vampire antagonism.
Sex with humans - Done all the time and not a problem, no need to kill and eat them, even for wolves, not necessarily. Only risk is too much attachment or exposure. Sex with humans has its unique pros and cons, as does sex with werefolk. Each have their prefs. I know a few men who would like to eat their ex-wives, but that is a different matter.
Werewolves can’t speak when in wereform = TOTAL, silly and ridiculous bullshit. Of course we can talk when in wereform. How else could we function and operate, have pack meetings, discuss BBQ and play in werebands? OK, do dogs and wolves cannot speak human language. But they are canines. Werefolk, in wereform, are not canines. We do speak in human languages, but also in ways that do not involve spoken language, ways that use scents and coat and body movement. But we most certainly can speak in wereform. Some of us have quite nice speaking and even signing voices, when in wereform. You have not heard Wagner or Metallica best until you have heard them played by a wereband.
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