Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Back Home

It's good to be home.  I was gone nearly 4 months. 

I got Snowball and Lucky to Denver and t a good home. In doing that I made my way back to KC, and home, and passed right through.

I spent a day trying to come up with a plan to get home.  In the end I just went up on the front porch and barked.  Sven opened the door to me.  He about split my eardrums with his yelling. Sparkle and Rooster are not letting me out of their sight.

Flecka has not stopped sniffing and licking me since I got back. Jack has been feeding me so table scraps that I swear they are cooking extra portions for me at each meal. Sherry hasn't complained once. And I am still hungry.

I have napped nearly constantly since being back. My favorite places are under the big window in the front room, under the table in the kitchen, and on the old couch in the basement. And I am still tired. 

I don't plan to take human form for some time, as long as I can go. Wereform is different. I need to make a pack meeting. Soon. I am in weredog form right now, so I can use these keys. But, soon as I am done here I'm back to dog. There is no better sleep than a dog's sleep. 

I need to find out how Jason is, meet with Warin, and Holly, and Sosser. It will take me weeks, at the least, to get up to speed on everything around here. I need to find out what that lab said about the dead neo we brought in months ago after the ambush at the puppy mill.

Sparkle and Rooster are telling me to get some sleep. Time for it.

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