Saturday, August 6, 2011

Armor Sucks

In my recent travels I had the opportunity to run with some troops and get to know them and their gear. The M4 is basically an M16 with rails and bells and whistles added, the digitals cammies are being replaced with new cammies, Multicams, and body armor is as well loved and effective as it was in the Middle Ages.

Body armor makes up a big part of the modern warrior's kit. The only problem is that armor is crap. I weights you down, saps your energy and limits your range of motion. The troops I talked to in Afghanistan hate it, but wear it because they are ordered to do so.

One of the key factors in the English victory at the Battle of Agincourt was that the French, who outnumbered the English _ to _, and were attacking downhill, were attacking in armor. By the time the French knights crossed the distance between them and the English, and came into range of the English long bowmen, they had to have been exhausted, and could not fight as fluidly when they met the English.

Lesson: Do not carry or weight more than is necessary. Do not help your enemy. Do not be your own enemy.

I know of no telling of a werewolf ever wearing armor. Weredogs did, but under stiff protest and when they could not get out of it. Werewolves, however, did, supposedly, wear faux armor, leathers made to look like armor, but which were lighter and allowed greater movement. I have also heard telling of special cloth faux armor.

Suits are often just that, faux clothe armor, intended to impress friends and foe alike, to gain advantage on certain fields of battle, of both business and bedrooms. Me, I like to run beneath a full moon or hot sun with as little as possible to encumber me.

At the pack meeting tonight new guidelines were issues concerning body armor, new designs for weredogs, and werewolves. Never saw that coming.

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