Thursday, April 4, 2013

How to Spot a Neo

I get asked a lot how to spot a neo. It is easier for a dog, or some sort of canid, than it is for people, as a canine can tell easily by scent, smell. But people can do it too, easily, when they learn how.

A neo has a bad smell, something that is sour and putrid about it, even to the canid nose, morse so than feces or corpses. And their voices convey something that is not right, has a tinny edge that is not quite natural. And their posture and the way they move is not good or natural. And worst of all is their eyes, which do not seem to fit into either predator or prey categories, but into something purely vile and evil.

Dick Cheney is a neo. No doubt about it. So is Nancy Pelosi. Cheney is a bit more obvious about it. The Kardashians are all neos.

When a person, or dog or wolf, makes your hackles jump up like they are on fire, makes you feel uneasy, like you want to get away, or draw your weapons, prepare to fight or defend, gives you a bad or sick feeling in your gut by just being near them, then there is a good chance that individual is a neo. Watch him/her. Do not take your eyes off him/her.

Some neos lack hair or do not have much of it. Many neos use fake hair to disguise. And I am not just referring to head hair, or even just face hair. I mean hair all over. People are supposed to have hair on their arms and legs, some. Some people are not very hairy. But even those people have hair, just not much.

Be wary and aware. But then you should do this with everyone anyways, all people, dogs and wolves.

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