Friday, November 12, 2010
Flecka Died Today
She couldn't walk on her own anymore. Jack and I have been carrying her outside to poop and pee for weeks, he during the days and evening, me at night when everyone was asleep and she called out to me that she had to go.
Jack had the vet come to the house. I like that, that her final moments were at home surrounded by Jack and Sven and Rick.
She was one of the most perfect black labs I ever knew, and had one of the biggest hearts I ever knew, dog or human. I miss her. I will miss a very long time. Jack and the boys cried. I just whined, and will wait to do my crying tonight.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Puppy Mills
1 is puppy mills. That has not changed. But he has changed his tactics, somewhat. His night-time ops now are more geared toward surveillance and intel gathering. Info is then turned over to whomever he thinks can pull the weight and get the dogs out legally. He has been on numerous ops with the SPCA and Humane Society. He was on one recently that liberated 800 dogs.
And that is the problem. Too many dogs. What do you do with that many dogs, or any dogs that are liberated. A dozen is one thing. But even 20 to 30 is hard to arrange care for, more for a wereforce than for the SPCA.
Jason says seeing the puppy mills in daylight is much more heart-breaking then at night. He says the misery is more glaring. He says most of the dogs in most mills, especially the larger ones, have never had an ounce of warmth of decency shown them. They don't know what to do when they are held for the first time. "They just stare at you with uncertain, terrified eyes," he told me. They are often covered in sore and infections, have rotten teeth and have no social orientation.
His group is working with some other groups to tackle internet sales, which are completely off the USDA radar. (The USDA regulates "pet sales.")
2 are neos. They are in his sights. They are also a consideration for pulling back on night time ops and liberation raids. I wrote about the first I did with Jason last year, that involved weredogs and werewolves, in which we were ambushed by neos and sustained several casualties, but did acquire a neo corpse. That corpse has answered lots of questions.
But Jason says there have been several other night ops where they had to withdraw due to strong neo scent, and could not account for or locate any neos. Fearing more ambushes, they withdraw. Several surveillances have even ended that same.
But Jason is adapting his tactics and strategies, often to be more in line with the law. But he is not scaling back, at all. He says he can't. He says once you see a liberated mill dog step on grass for the first time, and see their confusion and eventual euphoria, you can't even think of giving up. And that happens all the time, he says.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Lobo and Blanca
Good story. It hit me like a brick. It is fairly famous within werelore, even with weredogs. Lobo was a wolf, but is legendary for being a canine archetype of intelligence, toughness, leadership and honor. Yes, honor. Legend tells that he did actually die of a broken heart, for Blanca.
The truth is that Blanca did not die. Seton shot her. But she lived. And I know her. Some of you know her too.
Blanca went to Seton years later with the intent of killing him. She didn't. He was a changed man, a different man from the one who killed Lobo. But that is another, very long story.
Modified foods and Junk Genes
The modern world is activating certain human junk genes. This is bringing about many unforeseen changes. This is possibly responsible for the increase in autism spectrum disorders, the rise in numbers of sociopaths, obesity, a hundred other abnormalities, and neos.
This is a process of speciation and mutation. The speciation is a result of overpopulation, stress, inactivity, food preservatives, technology, and more. That speciation has given us the neo sapiens, which have evolved from within the global homo sapien population.
Why? Is the earth pissed off at mankind? Wouldn’t blame it. Are neos an antidote to the virus that is humanity? Were homo sapiens an antidote to neanders, a correction?
Werescientists have new findings that suggest that modified foods are one of the triggers that has activated the genome and brought about the mutation that has given us the neo's.
Weredogs have been leaving companies like Monsanto as they learn what is going on, what the company to is doing, what effects their modified seeds and foods are having on the world and everyone on it.
But it is, possibly, also all the other toxins that we flood into our bodies and minds. There is still a lot unknown about the long term effects of preservatives in food. There is more than modified seeds and preservatives. The list is long.
Corporations are influencing science such that it is getting harder to get true, untainted scientific findings. More and more, scientists are getting their funding from corporations. Those corporations then expect a return on their investment. Often that is friendly findings to their products.
This is causing major challenges for werescientists. It is harder to trust findings, results or even data anymore. But it is harder even to get a hold of the raw source data, which is often corporate property and treated accordingly.
Also, neos hold more top positions in corporations than ever before. We do not have solid figures. But those we do know, that we know of, are frightening.
I also did manage to attend some of the sessions on autism. All the weres there were either presenters or attendees at the autism conference. I learned a lot. Sven is not sick, nor does he require being cured or fixed. He is Sven. He has Asperger's. There are challenges with that, as there are with all humans. There are definite advantages to Sven, like a lack of games that most people play with each other.
It is harder for Sven to filter out all the noise and stimuli that bombards him daily. It is the same for dogs. Some are better than others. But most dogs have to learn to contend with constant over-stimulation. Being a weredog helps. But some days it is still hard.
In one of the our were sessions a geneticist reported that a study in France is trying to connect autism to the recently identified Neanderthal genes in the human genome. "Great," I said out loud. "If that gets out they will start saying that anyone on the autistic spectrum is a neanderthal." A very attractive werewolf, in human form, of curse (we all were) leaned over to me and said, "I knew there was a reason I like them."
Morning Risk
About 5am this morning I heard Jack start to yell, "Rick! Turn off your alarm!" I was awake immediately. He kept going at it. "Rick, turn off your damn alarm!" The problem was that Rick's alarm was not going off. Jack was mostly asleep and hearing the crickets outside the open windows.
Somehow Jack's tortured sleep was making his subconscious think that the crickets were an alarm.
Don't ask me why, but I shifted, right there, and raised up and said, softly, "Jack, Ricky's alarm is not going off. Those are crickets." I did not know what to expect.
Jack said, "Ooh. Ooooooh." Then he rolled over, shut up, and went back to sleep. Then I shifted back.
It was risky. Shifting is not instantaneous. Even when in a hurry it takes some time. Had he decided to get up and take a piss he could have swung his legs over and had a big surprise. But he was driving me nuts with the yelling.
Calculated risk.
They all are gone now, for the day, I think. Lots to catch up on.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
I have not ben able to track and follow him as much as I would like to. Some weeks he is here all the time. Some he is gone, and I do not have a clue where most of those days. Or the nights that he is increasingly gone. I check him over very good whenever he gets home, for strange scents and bad odors. I am not as worried about werewolves, about him going over to the wolves, and I do not think he can be changed to a neo. But one never knows. I have bad feelings about Jack. I have bad feelings about all of them.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Competing Corruptions
She said that the basic idea is that today human politics and business is all about competing corruptions, that playing fair is no longer seen as a viable operating logic, that amongst governments, and especially corporations, "S/He who plays the dirtiest wins." Several around the table howled in laughter and protest
I said I not disagree, that there are still good people. A werewolf named Jorl, guest at the meeting that night, said that may be the case but that those good people have less say in matters and decisions that affect the world.
A weredog who works at the SEC said that it is true, that corporations now all seem to operate under the logic that who lies and steals most wins. He said the larger the corporation the more it is pulled down this black hole. And corporations are more and more leading and directing corporations, so the result is the same with them.
I told them not to forget about the Neo factor and influence. Jorl said that the Neo's cannot be blamed for it all. He is right. When desperate, people are capable of anything. That made me think of Jack.
Service Dogs
My packmate monitors this guy for anxiety and meltdowns. She is trained to detect slight changes in his scent when his emotional state starts to take a plummet. He has PTSD from Iraq.
One of the others monitors him for diabetes. He is trained to detect when this guy's blood sugar declines. She smells it in his scent.
The 3rd dog was his dog in Iraq. She also has PTSD. The Army allowed the guy to adopt her when they retired her. Her purpose? He says, "She's got my 6."
All 3 dogs wear blue Service Dog vests and go everywhere with this guy. My packmate misses a lot of meetings. But since she goes everywhere with this guy she is able to do things and get unique accesses.
She does not get out with us very often. But she made it to a pack meeting recently. After the meeting, when everyone was hanging around drinking and eating raw beef, she shared something with us that is very interesting: the concept of competing corruptions.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Busy Weekend
I will follow Jack tonight to Knuckleheads. James McMurtry is playing. I like his music. Jack is up to something. I have to find out what. Warin is going with me.
Caitlyn is going to keep watch over the boys. If they split up she has support. If one goes home then that is covered. Flecka and Rooster will keep me informed in that case.
Jason says he has to talk to me. Operations against Missouri puppy mills are ramping up. But they are almost getting too much attention for him to stay on them. But he has identified some very bad mills that are not on anyone's radars. But 2 problems. 1) He suspects neos. 2) A problem he has run into with larger operations is what to do with liberated dogs.
Going to be a long weekend. No rest for the weary guardians.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Marines Want Labs
Labs are not, or have not been, typically considered good stock for war dogs - bombs, scouts, security, etc. But there are proving to be real good at sniffing bombs, apparently.
Some labs were used in Nam. But few. Mostly it was shepherds. Some thought the labs would deal well with the water and rice paddies. But they did not deal as well as the sheps with the noises of war - gunfire, explosions, etc.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Sgt Adopts Dog that Saved Him in A-stan
That dog is not a military dog. I assume the dog was a stray, along with the other mentioned, that was adopted by the unit over there in A-stan.
Amazing. US DoD official policy was not to bring dogs back from the Vietnam War. Few dogs came back. Over 3,000 dogs served in RVN. A hand full came back. Many of us were simply destroyed. Many a sobbing handler shot his dog rather than turn him or her over to the Vietnamese.
Things have improved for dogs.
Thursday, September 30, 2010

This is in the news today, causing a stir amongst archeologists.
What it means is that travelers went to Stonehenge from all over Europe, as long ago as 1,500 years B.C. (Actually, it was much longer, according to werelore.) That is long before the Romans or the Angles arrived, long before any peoples were thought to have been doing much seafaring and traveling to what is now Britain.
For perspective, at the same time the Mycenaeans were spreading over what is now Greece; in 1505 Hatshepsut became queen of Egypt; ca 1300 the Kingdom of Israel was established; we were in the midst of the Bronze Age.
Why would people travel form all over Europe to Stonehenge? Maybe archeologists will start finding answers for that. Bt is werelore holds any truth they might start finding some very surprising skeletons.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Pet Pharma
More and more weredogs are showing up at pack meetings loopier than a cooped up kitten. At first we did not know what was going on. We thought some were somehow getting into drugs. Well they were. Through their families, the people they trust.
I have been involved in 2 dog interventions. These are more difficult than those with people, for the simple fact that it is next to impossible to get the people on board.
The main reason people are more drugging their dogs is the desire to have their dogs act more like people, not like their natural temperament directs them.
This is another of those unfortunate and troubling outcomes of domestication and civilization.
An again, people are also doing the same thing to themselves.
Sled Dogs Recognized

Reading the paper today I came across this story:
This hit me like a .40 cal round, hard in the chest. I knew 2 dogs that were on these teams. He was on Scott's team. She was on Amundsen's. They were in love, not just lovers, for a long time. Since it was still rather taboo for weredogs to get so involved they kept it secret. More or less.
When Scott did not return she went a bit insane. It took her a year, but she went back, to find him. Her team was comprised of sled dogs, weredogs and werewolves. This was at a time when it was very taboo to mingle with werewolves. It was one of the first and earliest joint dog and wolf operations. No one knows how she talked them into it. The survivors never talked or shared any details. The rest of her team made it back, all of them, except for her. They say she is still down there, running around the arctic desert, howling, looking for him.
I knew them both.
I wonder if there are any weredogs on this Air Force colonels team. Someone needs to give him a big dog thank you.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Dog Diets and Domestication
One of my ancillary duties has always been, as a dog in modern society, to provide supplemental diet to dogs, and sometimes cats. Dogs and cats at one time were the top predators in most parts of this planet. One would not know that by how we are fed.
I have often heard dogs, and weredogs, bemoan the waste of roadkill. "If only I could get my teeth into some of that," I have heard so many times driving by a deer down by side of the road. It's already tenderized. Who gives a shit about a bit of road gravel?
Don't get me wrong. I love Kibbles and Bits. And Science Diet is, I admit, put together in a very nutritious way. But eating dry dog food day after day would be like a person eating only oatmeal boiled in beef broth day after day. Gets old.
Me, I get out now and then. But most dogs do not, unless they live with a person with a more crazy and non-mainstream attitude toward feeding his or her dog buds.
In spite of this, many dogs, and cats and even horses, have learned to become obese. These are other fruits of domestication. And I cannot believe the things that people eat, things with scent that I do not want even to be in the same room with.
There is a couple that lives two streets over who are avid runners. They are thin, too thin. But their dog and cat are obese, way obese. Both have guts that drag the floor. The people eat vicariously through their pets. What the hell's up with that?
This is all affecting people too, obesity and bad diet, or obsessively good diet. It ties in with lack of or no activity or diet.
We are predators, dogs, cats and humans. We were meant to stalk and hunt and move and shred and tear and eat. Our bodies are responding to domestication and civilization in ways not anticipated.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Bo and the Coyotes
"So, this is what a weredog looks like in dog form," she said. I just snarled an acknowledgement. "Can I see you shift into a weredog?" she said. I said no, that was not possible just then.
"What do you want?" I said.
"We need to work with you," she said.
"About what?" I said.
"Neo's," she said. "And some other issues that are even more dangerous, to us as well as you."
We arranged a meeting. I will take several weredogs, and werewolves, with me. I do not entirely trust coyotes. They are they most devious of all canines.
"By the way," I said, "attacking the dachsund was just a ruse, right?"
"He was supposed to be my breakfast," said one of the 2 coyotes, disappointment heavy through his teeth. "If not for the girl I would now have a full belly."
I snarled. "Pay attention. If any harm comes to any of my house pack, cats, dogs, any species, I will take it very personal, and make it my personal vendetta to find him or her who is responsible. It would not bide well for our working together. I hope I make myself clear."
Bo snarled. "Fine," she said. "We know where you live, who you are, who are in that house." I nodded, then turned to go. "We do not like to be threatened," said Bo.
I turned back, said, "Good," then trotted off.
Coyotes, gotta admire their moxy. But don't dare turn your backs on them.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Follow-up: Rescue from the Old Lady
The old lady was take to a nursing home. It was quickly determined that she was not competent to care for herself, much less the small zoo of cats and dogs. She has no family left, no sons or daughters. Some nieces were tracked down. But none wanted to get involved. The county is no determining her fate. If she is lucky she will die before a decision is reached.
We feel OK about this because all those animals had to get out of that house. One of the dogs I carried out, because she could not walk, was a 4-year-old collie mix with the worst mange I have ever seen.
The old lady did not understand what she was doing, the misery in that house. She has slipped too much mentally. Dimentia, and insanity, such things weredogs do not quite grasp. Dogs do not understand it at all, except that when their people fall to it they change, to someone, or something else.
I feel sorry for that old lady. She has no one. No family. No pack. No connections. Maybe that is what drove her out of her mind. Loneliness can do that.
The new cat is harassing Bailey. Even Rooster does not know what to do with him. But Rooster and Bailey are old. Both are losing weight and slowing down. A year ago Rooster still would have put this young cat, Chase, in his place. Not now. Too tired.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Sven was testing Jack. I could smell it on him. But I could have seen it. Jack did. It was obvious.
Teenagers are in many ways temporarily insane. They do things that boggles the mind. Even teen dogs, and cats, and I suppose teens of all species, act like numb-nuts and ding-a-lings. But this is natural. I have seen it many times.
Teens need to test their world, understand the rules and limitations, within their family and home, and in the broader world. It is so with people and with pandas, with all species. Well, maybe just mammalian species. I'm not sure. I am a bit biased toward mammals. We dogs tend to be that way.
The challenge for any parent is how to respond. Too little is bad. Too much is also bad. But where is the balance? It is different for every kid and every parent.
Dogs also have to learn and figure out how to play their teenagers, both pups and people. Think that's funny? Ever family dog learns his or her family and comes up with a strategy for each. This does not just include how to deal with teens. It also includes how to get handouts and scraps, how to get up on the bed, how to get walks, or get loose and run the hood, or what to do when left in the house too long and she or he cannot hold it. Nature calls. You can't always just not answer.
Bad Families
When a weredog finds him or herself with a bad family, one in which they are abused or in danger. they just disappear. Take off. Such families don't care. But there are cases wherein the weredog does not feel he or she can just leave. Usually this is due to another pet, or a child.
When another pet, especially a dog, in involved, also abused or in danger, the weredog will usually take off then return later for the other dog, or dogs.
A child is different. A dog cannot just take a child. That is a no-no. What the dog will usually do in that situation is gather a team of weredogs, do some surveillance and information gathering, then arrange for it to wind up in the hands of the cops, or whatever authorities will most likely act on it and rescue the child.
These cases are kind of rare. But not unheard of. But they have been on the rise over the past 2 decades. In the past 5 years I have been involved in 6 rescues. They are a lot of work. But I have never known of a dog to refuse to participate in such an effort.
This is the situation my pack-mate is in. She feels she cannot abandon the youngest child. There are other such situations, in other families in nearby neighborhoods. We hear about them from not only weredogs, but dogs, cats, even wild species. They are all unique, and a bit problematic, as these cases tend to be.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Caitlyn and Warin are Back
Caitlyn looks different. She still looks, of course, like a girl, but now possess a certain knowing in her eyes. I cannot explain it. But I know the look.
They rolled into town 4 days ago. Warin called me. I went over to find 2 weredogs who look like the 2 I watched leave, but who now are very different. I am curious to hear their stories.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Bad Dads Are Good Dads

In today’s culture bad dads are good dads. This is really a return to traditional attitudes.
Women now earn more than men. Women are the bread-winners in a most families, according to recent polls. This is due to so many men being laid-off, unemployed, out of work. The result is in many families the dads are at home and the moms go to work.
This is proving a hard slog for many of these dads. I am hearing this from many dogs, in regards to their families. It is causing a lot of tension and upheaval in homes. Dads feel devalued, demasculinized. Wives are penalizing them by cutting them off from sex and from family finances. Affairs are on the rise, as men look elsewhere for pleasure and validation. But women are cheating more, as they search for their real men.
Dads are supposed to provide. Dads who provide more are better dads. So dads who are willing to do whatever it takes to provide more are better dads. Often these dads are absent dads. They are absent making money, to provide the big houses and nice cars and lots of electronics. They are absent doing things that are often immoral, such as lying and stealing and deceiving and breaking. But the ends justifies the means, and if that end means more money, then all is forgiven and they are good dads.
As I said, this is a return. For thousands of years men went out and hunted, often for months, and farmed and did those things they had to do to feed their family, pack or tribe.
But things are different today. The hunting ground has been replaced by the cubicle and PC. But there are a finite number of those, far fewer than just a few years ago. But expectations of men have not really changed. Bring home the big hunk of mastodon or you will be replaced by someone who can.
Those dads that are always there for their kids, are loving and nurturing and attentive, but cannot execute and close to provide the big money, and thus cannot provide, then they are bad dads.
This is of course a major issue now for Sherry and Jack. And I don't know how to help them. I struggle with that, as do many other weredogs, with their families.
I am not sure what this means for dogs. If a man has good scent, or gives us leftovers, we tend to like him, regardless of how much the guy has in his bank account. I have a sizable portfolio and assets. Although, it has been accruing for a very long time. But I do not even consider all that in defining myself as a dog, a man, or a were. There are too many other things to consider.
Early Morning Rush

At about 0612 this morning I heard terrified barking and a woman or girl scream in terror. Before I could get a bark going Jack came busting out of the bathroom, yelling, "Chester! Let's go!"
This is not uncommon. During the warm months, especially in the spring and fall, Jack and I will respond to cat screams several time a month. Always in the middle of the night. Usually it is some tom cat threatening or messing with one of our cats. Once it was an enormous owl.
When we bolt to the rescue we just get downstairs and outside as fast as we can. Jack once did so naked. I have never had that problem. Bella used to be part of our IRF (Instantaneous Reaction Force) when she was alive.
This morning was different. The barks and screams were not from cats and not from our yard. Jack went out the front door. I was right behind him, barking like a mad dog. Jack was wearing only terry cloth pajama bottoms. No shoes or shirt.
We followed the ruckus to the east side of the house, to a neighbor's. There in the front yard was a girl and a dachshund being snarled at by 2 coyotes. It knew them before I saw them. I smelled them a few feet out the front door. they were large for coyotes.
As you know, I have a fondness for coyotes. But I do not have a fondness for them snacking on dachshunds. Jack was bellowing like a grizzly. I was barking like a hell hound. He was waving his arms. My hackles were up like knives. We charged the coyotes like this. They, of course, bolted. Jack said, "Get 'em, Chester!" I gave chase.
My intention was to run them off, to instill in them the lesson never to return to our neighborhood. I did not want to hurt them. But coyotes can be dangerous, and are famous for being wily. So when I chased them down into the field nearby and they turned and faced me, I thought, "Uh oh."
Worst case was I would get some new bites and scars. But I have so many new ones of late that this did not sound fun. So I was putting on the breaks thinking about defensive tactics when one of them said, "Good. Now that you are here follow us." That I was not expecting. They trotted off. The second one glanced back and said, "Come one. Bo is waiting."
So I went to meet and talk to Bo. Definitely not expected. More on Bo later.
I ran back home. Jack was trying to get the boys, Sven and Rick, up. In true teen tradition, they do not like to get up. Jack was still wearing only the light weight pajama bottoms. One sniff told me he had been on the toilet when we heard the screams, and had not stopped to wipe. No one else but me smelled that. But I am sure Jack felt it.
Hell of a way to start the day. Hope that girl is not too traumatized, either from her encounter with the coyotes, or from her encounter with us, Jack half naked, and me looking and acting like something from a SciFi Channel demon movie.
Everyone cleared out of here early and fast this morning. I am going to whip up something yummy for Flecka and I. And maybe the cats. Rooster needs to protein. He is getting too skinny. And there are lots of leftovers in the fridge that need clearing. The way Sven has been eating, no one will notice or question.
Many people, and dogs, seem to get so caught up in their biases and agendas that they cannot see clearly. That this guy was talking about evolution as if it is some kind of god was hysterical to me. I am sure it wasn't to everyone watching.
Evolution grinds toward equilibrium. It doesn’t care how things turn out, which species survive and which perish. It can even seem to slow and grind to a halt, until something gives it a jolt, or a slap in the face. Then evolution leaps forward again, to adapt to the slap, the new variables, in order to survive.
Is that now? Are we at such a crossroads? Are the neos the next leap, or the current slap? Could there be any other slaps lurking out there that we don't yet know about?
Monday, September 13, 2010
At a recent pack meeting there was a bit of a stir when I dog tried to relate a story she heard from another pack. It was supposed to be funny. She almost nailed it. But not quite. She was given lots of claps and licks for her attempt.
Weres love movies and books, good stories of any medium. But we cannot create them or tell them. It is not in us. Many times I have watched weredogs and werewolves try to tell a story. It is even funnier to watch a were try to make up a story.
Some say it was story that saved mankind, allowed him to so rapidly develop, and prevail over all other species and predators. Stories allowed man to pass on knowledge and skills in a context that everyone could grasp. Story was the shot of adrenaline into mankind’s cognitive abilities. Learning the stories of other species drove mankind to dominance. Telling and hearing stories developed the human mastery of language and analysis.
Stories have carried all the great truths and traditions of mankind, all religions and cultures, every political ideology and empire. Each country and company has its own story, each product, each person.
The Bible seems to me a compelling collection of stories, as do all the other texts and books of all the other religions.
No other species gets story like humans. Even we weres do not fully understand it. We love story, and stories. Most weredogs read a lot, novels especially. But few weredogs can truly understand Don Delilo or James Joyce. Weredogs cannot write even bad stories. What I would give to write even a bad but coherent story.
Some truths are too big. Science cannot contain or convey them. Facts cannot carry them. They need metaphor and images to even begin to get at them. For those truths story is the only possibility understand and tell them.
A good story is a powerful tool. Many weres believe if we could learn to create and tell solid stories then we would finally be on par with mankind. I am not certain it is that simple.
Jack tells great stories, especially around camp fires and over beers. Sven and Rick tell good stories, and have written some real good stories in school, for classes. Story must run in the blood. Makes sense, since a good story makes the blood run.
Friday, September 10, 2010
I have been trying to find and connect with him. My goal is to get him into our pack. I found him in a dark bar a couple nights ago. He was drunk. Drinking is bad idea for weres. Getting drunk is a terrible idea. He snarled at me as soon as I sat on the stool next to him.
"Go away," he said.
I managed not to get bit and got him talking. He has spent too long in human form. He got too caught up on this current war. War is the most common cause for dogs doing this, staying to long in one for or the other. I don't even know how many times he has been over in Iraq and Stan. Too many. He has been in human for over 15 years. Way too long.
Strays are everywhere. Stray dogs. Stray humans. It is never good, for them or for anyone. Everyone needs a pack, a family, community, connection. Canines and humans are social animals. Our survival hinged on our social tendencies.
Strays scare most people and dogs. Strays are seen as wild, detached, unhinged, crazy, dangerous...disconnected. But the history of philosophy and art is filled with strays...disconnection.
Life is about connection. All living things strive for connection. Humans beings have an incredible capacity for connection. It is possibly their most powerful trait. The need or connection fuels love and empathy. Many weres say this capacity is balanced against capacities for violence and hatred and fear.
I am trying to get this dog into our pack. All dogs, and wolves, need a pack. I check in on him from time to time, talk, listen, shares stories, bourbon, meat. One of the taboos of lone weredogs is the myth that stray dogs eventually become lone wolves. Some say that is not the case, that there simply is no difference between the perro solo and the lobo solo.
I would not even care about that. This dog just needs a pack. Connection is the key to survival. I am heading out again to night, to find and talk to him, and a few other errands I have to see to.
I am ready to go, but Sven is still awake upstairs, on his phone and computer. His lights are supposed to be out at 10:00PM. Everyone else is awake. If he does not knock off for the night I will have to figure out some way to covertly awaken Jack and sick him on Sven.
MoH for SF SSG
This is only the 3rd MoH awarded in this current war. Some feel that is not enough, far too few.
Glad to see this is being awarded. Sorry to see this young SSG had to die to get it. Part of me feels a need to be over there. Part of me says "To hell with that. Been there, done that."
Oh well. Not my war. Sitting this one out. But I will be back in it, eventually. I always am, sooner or later.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
They live in a suburb here in the KC metro area. Can't say where anymore than I can give names.
The girls are werewolves. He adopted them as very small pups. I don't know the story of how that happened. But they are living in suburbia, going to school, living basically as weredogs, more as girls, actually.
This is problematic for various reasons.
He is former SF, so we have a bond.
Trying to keep tabs on them, to be there if need be.
I am keeping way too many tabs. Thank dog for other weredogs.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Were T-shirt

A were sent me a link to this t-shirt.
I like it. The dimensions are not right, of course. Weres, dogs and wolves, are much larger in wereform. But the artist of this shirt had to do it this way for effect, pyramid up, to man, and then back down, to wolf. Or dog. It could be either.
This shirt is on CafePress:,410743585
Old Lady Pet Hoarder
Some in the pack claim we must do something. The humans do not know of this situation, so will not do anything, so it falls to us. Others claim the traditional, “Not our responsibility.”
She is not a bad lady. She is just old and senile and an alcoholic and alone. In her mind she is saving all her “babies.” Holly says she has dementia, addiction, OCD and attachment disorder.
“She has a messiah complex,” yelled out Duke, a newbie to the pack. He just recently shifted to dog phase, moved here from Tacoma and is living with a family in Smithville. He says she thinks of herself as a savior and the more animals she saves, takes into her private hell, the more she stokes that delusion.
It was decided that we would pass a tip to the local SPCA and if they did not move quickly on that information then we will make a move, get the animals out of there. In that case hopefully we can get some people involved. You have not seen pandemonium until you have seen a bunch of weredogs trying to rescue a bunch of traumatized cats. Dog give me strength, I really don't want to go there.
Issues of Concern for Weres
1) Climate is something that worries weres. It mystifies us that so many people think that man cannot affect the planet or change it, or that scientists will find ways to fix everything. Really? Water is another big worry. Werescientists worry more about water than oil.
2) Religion - Weres have never really understood religion. We understand it in concept, the need to believe in something bigger than ourselves, something beyond the physical, beyond death. But how people articulate and argue over and within it is a mystery to us.
We understand that there is good and bad religion. We see the value and danger of religion. Religion can be liberating, positive and tolerant. It can also be focused on violence, dogma and obedience. We don’t understand how anyone could belong to a religion that strives to dominate or convert or destroy another. We don’t understand how so many evil things have been done, and are done, in the name of religion. We don’t understand how so many people can cleave to religious beliefs that contradict facts and self-interest. We think more humans ought to try howling at the moon.
3) Education - Ignorance is not bliss. Humans taught us that. Education is always good. Those who oppose education can only be interested in tyranny. And public education is a cornerstone of democracy. Religious schools are a cornerstone of theocracy. Example: the Taliban madrasses. Religious schools are interested in promoting dogma and obedience, not knowledge and truth. I don't know of any exceptins.
4) Migration - Can’t be stopped. Life migrates. It moves. The history of the human race, of every race, of every species, is one of migration. Cross pollination, genetic and cultural, is essential to every species, including humans.
5) The Brain and Soul - No one really understands the brain or the soul yet, not man or were. Thus no one can foresee their potentials. There are some who talk about harnessing the brain. For what? For whom? How? Would this involved releasing it or enslaving it? Technology is always a double-edged sword. I know. I have watched many technologies cut both ways in my more than 250 year life span.
6) Liberty - individual liberty is at risk in every corner of the world now, for every species. So is survival. More human government is unavoidable. Anyone who talks about smaller government is either naive or lying. Conservatives or liberals, makes no difference. Human overpopulation, dwindling resources, such as oil and even water, crime, terror, war, desensitization to violence, all of it is pushing governments toward greater need for control - surveillance, protection, from others and selves, policing, safety, defense, control, hierarchy, tyranny. Weres and dogs are nervous about what this will mean for us.
7) Technology - is both liberating and enslaving humans. And dogs. It is having profound affects on brains, were and human alike. It, technology, plays a central role in surveillance and tyranny. Advances in weapons, CBI (computer-brain-interface), cloning, genetic engineering, nanotechnology, AI (artificial intelligence), and many other technologies are influencing human evolution, and the evolution of other species. It is a likely key in the speciation and threat of the neo’s.
8) Manipulation of the Minute - Mankind is tinkering more and more with genes and molecules and atoms and electrons and cloning and aminos and cells, in order to make weapons, profits and happier, more perfect humans. There are always unintended results. There will be with these efforts also. Weres are nervous.
9) Over and Under Population - Human overpopulation is driving down populations of most other species, with the exception of dogs, cats, and cows. Maybe some other domesticated species, like horses. But the obvious logic that troubles many weredogs and werewolves is that if this trend continues, if human population continues at the rate it is on track now, then resources will become more and more scarce. It will become harder and harder to feed everyone. There will not be enough cows and pigs. Now I love bacon. But the more troubling outcome is that inevitably dogs and cats will be on the menu. After that there is only one last option for humans to feed themselves.
The Message, and Changes
Weredogs are confused, scared, even split, on many changes in the world of man today. It will take another message to list all the issues and changes that concern weresfolk.
So the Varans told me that I must keep up this blog, keep coordinating with werewolves, keep investigating and learning the neos, and keep killing them.
So many changes. So many decisions. So many dangers. So many damn meetings to try and discuss them all.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Dionna, Missing
We had a fight. She got very mad at me. I don't know what set her off.
I did communicate with a werewolf there in Grand Lake who said he has not seen her around. He said he would check around for her. He said things have gotten bad there. He did not elaborate. I assume it has to do with the neos.
Reports are coming to the pack of increased neo activity. Jason even says that his ops are getting dicier due to neos. Last week he nearly waltzed into an ambush.
Dionna, Warin. I am worried.
Canis Lupus Familiaris?
I was out tonight, following Sven around, making sure he did not get into trouble. He and Rick and their teen shenanigans are going to place more strain on my time. Anyway, at a new bar called the Blue Moose I overheard 2 guys talking about this. Turns out they were both vets. I made no comments to them. I do that now, here.
The dog-man alliance started long before human scientists theorize that it did. It began around 3 million to 2.5 million years ago. In the beginning we kept hominids around as pets and companions. Really.
This was also around the time when our problems with wolves began. Some weredogs say that we were a type of wolf, different from wolves, that our species bonded with humans in a way that was preordained.
Around 2.6 mya homos arose from hominids. Homo erectus first stood, started crafting tools and weapons, migrated out of Africa, and everything changed.
We don’t know what happened around that time. But something kick-started ours and many other species, as many species spun off werefolk. Some werefolk say that humans are simply wereapes, and that some time in the distant past humans lost the ability or the desire for ape form.
How could I be in a bar and keep an eye on Sven, you might be wondering. There are ways, both technological and primal. Actually, I knew when he left and was right behind him.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Varans originated in the 10th Century A.D. as Varangians. They were Russian Vikings turned imperial guards to Byzantium emperors. They were the elite warriors in war and the last policemen you wanted to see during peace. Legend is that as many as half of the Varangians were weredogs.
Their job is that of order. But what about the waerwulfas? you might ask. True.
The Varans have a simmering feud with the waerwulfas of which no one outside those two groups knows the history.
They are neither dog nor wolf. More refined and more terrifying than either, much larger and more powerful, more intelligent and driven.
They found me in Des Moines. I was up there to see some weredogs about a neo operation they had uncovered. We stopped it, with about a dozen weredogs and 4 werewolves. But we did not detect the salmonela eggs disaster. That was neos also. But that was much less than their primary plan.
The Varans told me they had first been told to come kill me, that I had been ignoring instructions to stop certain activities, one of which is this blog. Then they told me that just before they found me their mission changed and they were told to deliver a message.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
The is only one homo species around today. Homo sapiens - Humans. There have been at least 20 homos. I am told.
Most of the large mammals of today will be gone, extinct, in the near future. Elephants and rhinos will not be around long. Or bears. Or tigers or lions. There simply is not enough room for them. And humans do not have the capacity for the changes that would be necessary for them to survive.
Most species last around 1,000,000 years before they go extinct or evolve into a new species. Canines have beat that by a broad margin. Homo sapiens just got started. Or did you? Many dogs are nervous about that question.
Singing Dog for God (?)
Is this guy serious or is this a joke? Can someone enlighten us?
Monday, August 23, 2010
Bruno's Old Bud
I was in Nam way too long, jumping back and forth between human and dog forms. That war just got into my blood, like no other I had known. The war was everywhere. There was no rear area, no behind the lines, no safe zone.
Steve, this guy I saw a couple weeks ago, was one of the best men I ever knew. Ever. He was tough and strong and kind and smart and funny and generous to a fault. He was killed on patrol.
I went nuts. I was labeled a mad dog, dangerous, unusable, and shoved in a cage and forgot. I was scheduled to be destroyed. I didn't give a shit.
I wound up at another SF camp, thanks to my reputation. I had a reputation for being a mad dog, but a great perimeter security dog and good even on patrol. And I was always good with the SF guys. So they trusted me. I ran in the wire nights, ate in the team hootch, even went on some patrols. The team guys were amazed that I never barked, or even growled, when Charlie was close.
The camp got hit. I barely made it out.
I moved to III Corp, assumed the identity of a GI from II Corps. Wasn't that hard. Just have to make sure you are not in the same unit of the guy you become. You don't want to run into someone who knew your new identity. But if you do, as long as you have a common name, like "Smith," nothing is likely to happen. and disappearing is always easy.
I wanted to grab my old buddy the other day, embrace him, tell him how happy I was to see him, that he is still alive and looking good. His scent was strong and healthy, even for an old guy. It had not changed that much. Instead I just smiled at him, nodded, said "Howdy." He said hello back, and looked me over a few moments. His lips parted like he was going to say something. But I kept moving. If he had said anything I might have said too much. It is hard, sometimes, being a weredog.
Weredog Betrayal
100,000 years ago werewolves allied themselves with neanderthals, against the new humans, homo sapiens. About that same time weredogs and homo sapiens formed their alliance. Homo sapiens came on the scene about 150,000 years ago, not the 100K to 120K that scientists currently speculate.
Cro-magnons, neanderthals, then homo-sapiens all have been killing machines. Sapers are the top killers. Afterall, it is they who wiped out the cros and neanders. The neander-saper war lasted many thousands of years. But the end was never in doubt. Not for us.
Man is capable of such violence and barbarity, but also such beauty - art, literature, poetry, and so many delicious way to prepare meat. It spins the mind.
Even werewolves are in awe of the art of man. This awe drives their fear and hatred of mankind s. Many weredogs over the years have studied art and literature, to try to understand it, to try to imitate it. We cannot.
Man has forgotten our transgressions against him. But we have not. Werewolves remember it all even more. They feel we have betrayed them in throwing in with mankind, then giving up on the fight, with them against mankind, several times. They believe domestication is enslavement. Werewolves have, traditionally, loathed society, conformity, rules, laws, ownership, all the rest that goes with that. They claim domestication makes any species weak. They believe only by living in the woods can one remain strong.
Of course, as we all know, werewolves recently have been adapting to and living in society. Many still remain in the woods. But many live now in cities. Ironically, werewolves make good farmers and ranchers. As long as they do not eat all their profit.
Another irony is that there is now, and always has been, pockets ad patches within civilization and most large cities that have more wilderness and primal barbarity than any stretch of woods, mountains or desert.
When Weredogs Go Bad
When it does it is dealt with, that dog is dealt with, by other weredogs, usually his or her own pack, “with extreme prejudice.”
That may seem harsh. But it is necessary and has always been our way.
So when or how does a weredog “cross the line?” Opinions and attitudes on that have been changing. Many have said, over the past couple years, that I have crossed a line, with this blog, and in several other ways. But I am still here.
Werewolves often deal with their own. But when they do not, and their transgressions have brought harm on humans, then weredogs have traditionally dealt with it. When weredogs cannot deal with the situation, then that is when the waerwulfas or the varans intercede.
Varans, sometimes called Varangos, deal with dogs and wolves who cannot be dealt with by their own packs, or by any other means. Few survive a visit from the Varans.
Were justice is an ancient logic of which human used to subscribe. Until only the past several centuries justice was dispensed amongst people by monarchs and the church, often working together. A small caste of enforcers, who usually were also warriors, soldiers, dealt with the transgressors. Courts were few, and controlled by royalty and clergy.
The concepts of egalitarian law, and international law, are very new to mankind. Dogs are split on their efficacy. Some say they lead to inaction, that order requires strong leaders with absolute powers. Others say that equal rights or all is essential for the future of mankind, canines, for the survival of the planet, and that the United States really is based on equal rights for all. But all agree that often it does no seem that is the case.
So, who decides crimes, the lines to be crossed, and who metts out punishments, are at the heart of packs and civilizations, their survival and legacy.
All I know is that I do not want another visit from the Varans, and do not want to come to the attention of human justice and enforcement authorities. No thank you.
Were and Human History
Werefolk came onto the scene around the same time that hominids appeared, around 5 to 6 million years ago. Coincidence? Maybe. No one has yet made a connection.
Primates were not at the top of the food chain. Matter of fact they were more toward the bottom.
Weres proliferated for several million years. There were werecats and weresloths and werehorses and wereseals. You name it. Likely there was a were form of it. Heard of minotaurs? Centaurs? Mermaids? Silkies? Hello? We were nearly the dominant family. And werewolves were nearly the dominant species.
Some weres claim that man is actually the wereape, that humans were originally weres that stayed in homo form. There are other theories, of course.
But something did happen. Something got into the hominid genome. This occurred around 2.6 mya. Hominids, humanoids, started to develop in ways that even we weres (other weres?) could not grasp.
Then arrived homos, Homo erectus. The thumbs and shoulders were bad enough. But mankind developed mental and emotional abilities that were scary. Truly scary. He attained cognitive and communication abilities that were far beyond any other species.
It came down to werewolves and man, as to who was the top predator.
At various times the earth was populated by more than one hominid. Homo erectus and Australopithicus co-existed. There were several species of werewolves also. Weredogs are one of those later variants.
Eventually mankind prevailed and became the top predator. Two things them happened. All the other weres disappeared, wiped out by man. Werewolves split into two camps, those who believed an alliance with mankind was essential to survival and the other that believed destroying mankind was our only way to salvation.
One of the mysteries is human form. All were take human form, but are not human. And there is no memory or knowledge of homos being weres. I know of no theories of why that is.
The werewolves who allied with mankind became weredogs. This was 20,000 years before domesticated dogs. The man-hating werewolves swore to destroy us also. Eventually they threw in with the neanders. Thus began a long and bloody internecine war that lasted eons, many thousands of years.
Even though we were allied with man, we weredogs eventually learned the need to keep our wereness secret from man. The Vikings knew of it. They were the last to possess that common knowledge. To this day, until now, until this blog, we have kept our wereness hidden from man. But few believe it.
A few numbers:
Earth is 4.5 billion years old.
Life formed 3.5 billion years ago.
Simple plants, algae - 1.2 bya
Land plants, trees and grass - 450 mya
Dinos and mammals showed up on the scence about 270 mya.
Bye-bye dinos - 65 mya.
Canines - 40 mya.
Felines - 25 mya.
Weres and Hominids - 5 mya.
Homos (erectus, sapiens, etc.) - 2.6 mya.
Neanderthals - 250K years ago
Homo sapiens - 100K
Agriculture - 10K
Civilization - 6K
Dinos and mammals started at about the same time, around 270 million years ago.
There have been global cataclysmic events 5 times in the past billion years. The last time was 65 million years ago: Bye-bye dinos. Mass extinctions occured in each of those 5 periods. The next mass extinction is not expected for another 13 millions years, if the patterns stand true, which they tend not to.
There have been 10 ice ages. The last one ended 8,000 years ago. During each was an explosion of evolution. Harsh times propagate adaptation.
18,000 years ago 5.5% of the world’s water was trapped in arctic ice. Today 1.7% is. The world was very dry 18,000 years ago. Many species have died out.
Sorry if this redundant or cryptic. It has been difficult for me to organize all that I have learned in the last year, some of it shocking and disturbing.
Still Here
I was ambushed by neo's about a month ago. No serious wounds. But several new scars and lots of black and blue. 2 weeks later I was ambushed by 2 werewolves wanting to settle a score. Relations between weredogs and werewolves have changed and warmed a bit, but history and old scores have not been forgotten.
I have been trying to keep Jason from getting himself or his people killed, and from making any blunders that will bring us too much attention. I have assigned a weredog to his crew, to stay with him and report back to the pack anything and everything.
The grand pack ordered me to shut down this blog. But other voices interceded. Before that intercession I was paid a visit by Varans, not a happy prospect for any weredog.
Dionna claims I betrayed her and said she never wants to smell me again. Now she has disappeared and I cannot contact her.
My family is in crisis. Sven and Rick are in high school. God help us. Braden is in Stan. Tyler is out of rehab. Sherry and Jack are about to combust. And I cannot keep tabs on all of them and take care of all these other issues and yahoos.
I have spent far too much time in human and were form these past 2 years, especially this past year. This complicates things.
I have had to do more healing, laying around and resting. But that has been hard, given all the emergencies and crises.
I promised that I would share recently learned and disturbing information. And I will that. Right now. Hold your hats and strap down your ears. Here we go.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Eating Sh*t
People have this odd hang-up about shit. Why?
Jack and I went to the dog run the other day. It was good to be out, just the 2 of us. I have not been able to keep tabs on him, to monitor and review his emails and texts and all that, due to all I have going on, being gone most nights, and the mysterious schedule he has been keeping.
Jack gave me a rash of shit about, well, sniffing shit. Dogs sniff shit. We don't do it to sample it as a snack. We do it to get a reading on the dog who deposited it. By sniffing dog shit I can tell just about everything I need to know about that dog - What he eats, how he eats, where he lives, and what kind of people he lives with.
I could get the same info from humans if not for the tendency of humans to flush all their shit, which is good because people shit more than elephants, proportionate to their size and weights.
This human repulsion to shit is odd. Of course, sometimes the repulsion shifts to fetish.
I have been spending more time tracking and watching over the boys, Sven and Rick. Now that they are teens their night-time forays are getting later and more wide-ranging. And I have smelt werewolf on them several times. That does not flip me out like it used to. But smelling neo on them does, which I have detected on them twice in the past month.
I have known a dog who had a shit fetish and aversion. He was very skittish and high-strung. But that is another story for another time.
Monday, August 16, 2010
House Dads
culture. This is because, on a primal level, we know that a man cannot
do what men must do when he is in the house. Men are meant to go out
and hunt, to bring home the meat, stand on the wall, fight the
battles. None of that can be done while carrying a laundry basket.
A high percentage of "successful" businessmen are not good fathers.
They do not have time to be. Kids are a distraction. No time for that.
Money to be made. "Success" also tends to stoke the ego, to make one
more self-centered, self-absorbed. This is for a reason. For many
thousands, even millions of years ago, males had to hunt for the pack or
tribe to survive. Anything that distracted him from that jeopardized
the survival of the group. That impulse is till hard-wired into the
male psyche.
It is the same for dogs, for wolves. This domestication gig is
relatively new, going back maybe 10,000 years for man, with the advent of agriculture. The human race goes back 5 million years. Canines date back 40 million years.
Ironic that dogs were domesticated before mankind.
So the drive to bring home meat derives from the survival instinct.
And today meat requires money. No money, no meat, literally and figuratively. This just adds to the angst and anger that characterizes human cultures today.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Burning Man Attrracts Canines
Burning Man is a rare event in that it attracts both weredogs and werewolves. Never been myself. But I need to go this September, with 1 or 2 other dogs. Either that or send a trusted proxy.
Here is the Burning Man site:
There will be 1 dog and 1 wolf there from whom I need information. And they are only accessible once a year, at this event.
I am tired of the road. Need some nap dog time.
Busy with a Retrieval
I have been going out with Jason, surveying puppy mills, doing target folders, making plans, training. He thinks that neos are behind many of the large corporate labs that drive the puppy mills, the "class B" dealers that buy any dogs brought to them and sell to the labs. He claims he is in contact with people working inside labs to gather intel and evidence to indict the labs. And he still wants to take down puppy mills the hard way, especially if it means taking down some neos.
We just today retrieved a pack member from a dog hell in Arkansas. She volunteered to do it, and took serious risks to do it.
Several months ago dogs were disappearing in her neighborhood. A dog who was a god friend of hers came up missing. She asked us, her pack, to help her find her friend and bust these bunchers who were stealing dogs. We agreed.
Without going into details, she managed to run into the bunchers and got nabbed. She wound up in Arkansas where she was sold to a Class B dog dealer. We managed to stay in contact with her the entire time. A team, a weredog and a werewolf, kept her under surveillance the entire time. The plan was that they would call us of the extraction team if things got bad enough, at any time.
After several months of this we decided to pull her out this past weekend. So we went down and got her. She never did find her friend. Must have been sold to another dealer, or to a lab already. We put out the word, asking weredogs all over AR and MS to try and locate this dog, her friend. Not wagging my wail yet. Some werewolves have even responded, said they would have some looks.
When we went in to get her she said she would not leave without all the other dogs. I understood. This place was dog hell - tiny, filthy kennels. The dogs all were emaciated and terrified. There were 2 dogs dead the night we went in. There were 212 dogs in that place. I wanted to hurt someone.
There were eight of us, total. We did the only thing we could do, given that our packmate said she would not leave even one dog there. So we sent 2 to the house to hold the owners, at gunpoint, while the rest of us loaded up all the dogs into the 3 trucks that were there, and we left.
We drove to Little Rock. We called ahead, had other vehicles waiting, transfered all the dogs to the new trucks. Then we went separate ways. There were 2 weres in each truck, one driving and the other making calls, locating fosters and shelters for every dog.
So we are glad to have her back. Her family is too. I was the one who called them and dropped her off. I was in human form, of course. I will go check on her tomorrow.
The bunchers disappeared. I suspect it was werewolves, and that the werewolf on the surveillance team called and gave them up to some wolves only too happy seek penance. Also, we put the fear of Dog . . . er, God into the owners of the dog kennel, the Class B dealers who own the dog hell we liberated. How? How do you think? Several weredogs and werewolves encircling a person and promising grissly death has a profound impact on the human psyche.
Also, Flecka and Baily are failing. Their scent is not good. I have been so busy I hadn't even noticed, until tonight.
Warin, can you contact me? I need an update on you and Caitlyn. Are you both OK? Are you still on North America?
Monday, July 5, 2010
New Dog - Service Dog
One is a psychiatric service dog. She goes everywhere with her person, a former Marine who fought in Iraq, Faluja, came back with a leg injury and PTSD. She sense when he is about to have a panic attack and heads it off, usually by licking him. Licking assure him he is not alone, that everything will be OK. She also goes around corners first, to show it is clear, and does the same into rooms.
The clergy dog is an ordained chaplain dog. He and his person partner, also an ordained pastor, minister at the All Souls
Unified Life Church. He does not do sermons, but is always up at the pulpit with his partner, and goes on all hospital and other visits.
There is building tension in the pack in regards to these two, especially the clergy dog. Some say that a dog playing pastor is silly but also dangerous. It can only draw unnecessary attention to us, they say. "We can only point the finger so much at wolves," they say, meaning werewolves. An ordained werewolf. Now that makes me laugh.
I have to hit the road again tomorrow. Jack is going to be very pissed, if he even notices I am gone. But it cannot be helped. I have to go find a dog who has some critical information which I need. I will try to make posts here to keep you all updated on where I am and what I am doing. No promises.
Speaking of which, Warin, you out there?
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Dog Fighting

Weredogs have always turned a blind eye to dog fighting. It was just something we could not change. I have even known dogs who liked it. But I tended not to turn my back on them.
But dog fighting is on the rise all over, even in the U.S.. Even around here, in Kansas and Missouri. More and more weredogs are talking about it and getting riled about it. And reports are coming back from other parts of the world about dog fighting. They do it a lot in Afghanistan. Weredogs over there, in uniform and out, are feeling pulled to do something.
Interceding on puppy mills kind of opened the door for weredogs to interfere in the affairs of people. I am seeing more and more such interference in other matters. This coincides with the appearance of Neo's.
Another form of canine brutality is pen fighting. It is legal in Florida and several other states, but done also in Missouri. It amounts to putting wild foxes and coyotes in a pen with dogs that then tear them to shreds. Bets are made on how long the smaller fox or coyote will last, or which dog will make the killing strike. I cannot see the sport in this. Much talk amongst weres about this, even amongst werewolves, who usually maintain an attitude of "To hell with everyone else as long as they don't come after me."
But it is hard not to see the connection between these pits and other forces at work in the world, which even werewolves cannot ignore, especially in their new era of alliance and connection, with weredogs, dogs, and other canines, and humans. There seems to be forces working counter to these new forces of connections amongst and between people and dogs and all species. There are reasons for this that I will share, that I have learned in my recent travels. I came to realize they are also behind my reasons for starting this blog. At the time I thought I was doing it for entertainment. Come to find out, I was not.
Love Triangles

I am always surprised by all the excitement people sometimes fuel up over movies. This recent, I think 3rd, Twilight movie, Eclipse, or whatever, just came out or is coming out. People are going nuts. Mostly teenage girls and middle-aged women. But I don't get it. Even some of the female members of my pack seem to be drawn by this story.
The gist is this girl, Bella, is in love with a vampire and a werewolf, and torn between both. Can someone explain to me how anyone could be torn in that decision? On one hand you have sex with a a canine, a wolf, with whom there is no risk that he or she will rip out your neck in the throes of passion. Sure, sex with a werewolf involved a lot of howling and growling. But who doesnt like that?
On the other hand is sex with a flying rodent who in all likelihood will rip out your neck when he or she reaches or approaches orgasm. Not my idea of a good time.
And take my word, sex with a canine is fantastic, especially werefolk. But then I might be a bit biased. Hey, I've never had any complaints, from members of either species.
So can someone explain to me the whole bat thing? What is up with that?
The other part of this story/movie is how they portray the werewolves. In these movies they simply look like very large wolves, like boreophagus probably looked back when they ruled the land, those millions of years ago. Why did they do that? Weredogs think it is because they could not come up with a werewolf look that was not too scary. Unfortunate, since werewolves, in wereform, can be very attractive, just as is the case, of course, with weredogs.
This movie has a climactic battle between bats...sorry, vampires, and werewolves. I might have to rent it someday so I can see that.
I know this is all fantasy. People that change into bats, or vampires, or whatever. Ridiculous. I know. Oh well. People need their monsters, their horrors, their night terrors. Just like they need Jerry Springer and The National Enquirer. Now there is something I really do not get. But don't think I want to.
Oh. Love trianlges. Right. I have had a few of my own. Maybe I will tell the stories of some, someday.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Cat Swagger
And Chase has swagger. And I mean swagger. Never seen a cat with swagger. He is a swagger cat. He is coming up on 4 months. He is going to be a big cat. I hope he doesn't lose his swagger. It will serve him well, in some respects. They just started letting him outside recently. His swagger is more.
Watching him got me thinking about swagger, and the attitude that goes with it. I don't think swagger can be taught. You are born with it. Or not. This is true for all species. Humans value it highly. A swagger says to all, "Hey. Mess with me at your own risk."
I have seen individuals develop swagger. It comes only with change of attitude, a jump in self-confidence. The individual stand straighter, taller, throws his or her chest out more, moves his legs with more muscularity and purpose. "Move with a purpose" is something that was said in the Army for a very long time. Don't know if they still say that. But a relaxed purpose and confidence is allot of what swagger is about.
Rooster and Bailey do not go outside much anymore. They used to, a lot. Rooster has spent much of this life as a stray. Bailey started out as a stray. Jack found her as a 10-month old kitten. But, both are older, slower. Their need to hunt is no more. They want more now to find the perfect napping spot, on a bed or couch or stack of clean laundry. They used to have, but no longer have, their swagger.
I went out looking for Chase, late one night, last week. It was after 3am. He was not in the house. I worried. Went looking. Found him sitting with 3 werewolves in the side of the house. They were there to see me, seemed mesmerized by him. "This your cat?" one of them said. I said it was. "Damn," he said.
They gave me what they had to give me. Told me what they had to tell me. Then they left. But not before each of them leaned in and sniffed Chase. He batted each of their noses. Did not flinch. I was proud. I love this kitten. He's got swagger.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Before I was a weredog, when I was still a young dog, I lived with the Masons in the American wilderness, on a remote farm. My job was to protect the few sheep and one cow that we had, to alert to any human or other animal threats that got in close enough to be aware of, and to provide companionship for the family.
Sarah was one of the daughters. She cared for me, watched out for me, made sure I got my share of scraps, that I did not spend all winter outside, that I occasionally got to sleep in a bed, hers and her sister's, Margaret. Sarah was seventeen. Her scent was a strong part of my world.
It was a good life. We had a comfortable and spacious cabin, a large family to tend to all the chores, and enough food, due to crops, livestock and hunting.
Then the war came, that which is known now as the French and Indian Wars.
The indians who found me were a tribe of weredogs AND werewolves. It was a tenuous balance. They were later wiped out by white expansion. They nursed me back to health, my indian saviors. The only way to do that, due to the seriousnes of my wounds, was to change me, offer me weredom.
Those of that tribe who survived white expansion were dispersed into the local white population, as dogs and people. I am still in contact with two of them.
Sarah's body was never found. I never knew if she lived or died. I searched, but never found any trace or sign of her.
I caught glimpses of her over the years, wisps of her scent. As time passed it became clear she had become were. As dog or wolf, I did not know. I assumed wolf, for several reasons.
I thought I found her in New York in the 1830s, then during the civil War (American), one other time. Then I lost her scent. I nearly caught up with her in France, during WW1. Then again in the 30s, in South America. Then nothing, until Vietnam. That is a long story. And then nothing until I caught her scent again here, last year.
I was always certain she was alive. I just knew. But, I had no idea if she was a weredog or a werewolf. For many years that was a problem, due to the war and my vow to kill all werewolves. But this new threat and alliance has changed all that, of course.
So, she is here. Somewhere. Close. And I think Jason knows.
Neos and Fundies
The Al Qaida is led by neo's. Their aim is not conversion of all mankind to their way of thinking, but the destruction of all mankind.
A very old wolf told me this last spring in the Black Hills.
And it is not just the Al Qaida. She said it is the same for all human fundamentalist religions, including Christians. She said that
Christianity is on par with Islam in the number of neo's they have leading and deceiving people. There are Christians who look forward to the Apocalypse, some of whom are even working toward that, to hasten the Second Coming, the return of Christ.
This might always have been the case, going back to the Middle Ages, longer. At the approach of 1,000 A.D. there were many Christians that promoted anarchy in the name of Apocalypse. I am told a large number of werewolves were Viking leaders who capitalized on that confusion. It is said there were also many cardinals and bishops who did the same. Not all. Just the corrupt ones.
I have learned much in the last year about werewolf history with the Vikings. Those werewolves of you reading this, it is not slander. You will probably howl with pride. Remember I posted about "waerwulfas" a while back? Vikings often scared opponents right off the field of battle. They did so with their show of force, howls and screams they made, overall horrifying behavior. That was all werewolf influence. Even the humans learned to act like werewolves. It helped them get psyched up for battle, as well as scare the crap out of their opponents. That is from Viking and were lore.
Werelore says that there were several battles in Anglo-Saxon Britain, between various forces, that were all or nearly all weredogs and werewolves. That had not happened since the time of the human-neander war, and has not happened since, far as I know.
Vikings were not bent on destruction. Their goal was plunder. Later it was commerce. They just wanted to make a buck. Er, profit. Bring some manna home to mama. The Islamic fundies don't want profit. They want destruction.
It would make sense that the Taliban in Afghanistan is led by Neo's.
Getting weredogs, or even werewolves, into this ranks has proven problematic. Neo's can detect scent as well as we can. Better, for all we know.
Weredog Avenger in Stan
The word is that she has gone outside weredog protocol and is avenging Taliban crimes against girls and women. She has recruited other females and female weredogs, and werewolves, to join her operations.
They get wet mostly at night, of course. What surprises me is that, supposedly, she is not military. At present. That does not mean she has not been military in the past.
Weredogs are divided on whether she is hero or villain. She is breaking rules. But she is avenging very evil wrongs. We, weredogs, are sworn not to take sides in human wars. This has been violated regularly over the centuries. But not much in the last century. We do not have a dog in this fight, pardon my pun, between the Christian West and Islam.
We do have issue with humans that butcher and torture kids. We like kids. All dogs like kids. Some of the brutalities performed against children, especially girls, over there, in Stan, has moved some weredogs enough to say "To hell" with traditional dogmas concerning interfering with human affairs.
Word is she severed communication and connection with her pack. That is usually bad news. Word is she has assembled a small, ragtag pack of weredogs, werewolves, dogs and women and is expanding her operations against the Tallies. I would like to meet this dog.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Animal-Cruelty Syndrome
This issue has tormented dogs, including weredogs, and many other species, for a long time. How can mankind, we have asked oursleves, and each other, be so cruel, and yet so kind?
Most dogs just turned from the issue, shook their heads, and said, "That is man. C'est la vie."
But werefolk are finding hope in this trend to connect animal cruelty and human cruelty, to show that cruel people are cruel, to all, that violence is violence. The problem is that man, and dog, and wolf and all species, have capacity for violence, It is essential to survival. But none have as strong and twisted a tendency as man. Cats sometimes play with their prey before they kill it. But they do not put heads on pikes or light 'em up to watch them burn.
Monday, June 14, 2010

I went to the dentist today. Everyone was gone for the day. So I was able to slip out and make the appointment. Was not easy. Had to drag myself there. Still very sore from wounds.
Dr. Fangman is a weredog, of course, and has done special training so that he can work on human and canine teeth, and the teeth of weres. It takes some time, seeing a weredentist. He has to check your teeth in all 3 forms. Fortunately, he has a TV hung over the chair. So I watched ESPN most of the time.
"Have you ever worked on a werewolf?"
He said his werewolf business has been picking up a lot lately. I asked if he knew why. He said it is a result of weredogs and werewolves coming together more lately. Lots of changes. One of those is werewolves thinking more about dental health. After all, what is a werewolf with his or her teeth? Or with bad teeth?
Dr. Fangman said that a werewolf had recently come to him and between x-rays had told him that years ago he was pillaging a remote farm, just taking some chicken and sheep, when he came face to face with the young wife of the farmer. She screamed when she saw him, as he was in wereform. He opened his mouth to snarl, to hopefully influence her to pass out, so that he could finish with his biz and get out of there. When he did the woman stopped screaming and said, "Eeeeewwwwww!!! I've seen better chompers on a rotten corpse!"
He was so embarrassed that he left without any chickens, left the area entirely, and never went back to that farm. "See how important dental hygiene is?" said the doc. I ventured that knowing werewolves the way I do, and canines in general, that part of his departure might have been that he was attracted to the young wife and nurturing plans to seduce some dark night. The doc conceded that might have also been the case.
I hope Jack and all are gone during most of the days this week. Like today. I need to get much done, and cannot do it when they, or any of them, as here, home.
Sunday, June 13, 2010

I just got a call. There is a situation up north, in KC, KS, that I have to help with this week.
No idea where my family went to. They bolted out of here this morning and I have no idea where.
The situation up north is that a member of the pack up there has gotten involved with a bunch of squatters that are living in an old, abandoned, rather large house. They have been fixing it up, making repairs. But they look and smell like a small herd of musk ox. Very shaggy and tattered.
A judge was going to evict them. They are, in the eyes of the law, trespassing. But the property has ben abandoned for 2 decades. Days before he court-ordered eviction the neighbors, around the property in question, went to and pleaded with the judge not to kick the kids out. Most of them are in their 20s.
This is happening in cities al over the U.S., in cities with high property abandonment rates. Judges are ignoring the letter of the law and allowing squatters to stay in houses that they are improving. Not in all cities and cases. But in many.
The situation up north here is that the freegan squatters have been given a deadline and list of improvements that must be met for them to be able to stay. That is why Salis called me, because they are in risk of not making the deadline and I have some skills that can help them. So I will.
Salis says these are good kids. She has a loyalty to one or some or all of them. Not sure which. I will find out, I'm sure. She said not to be surprised at the condition of the house. "Think chic poverty," she said. Can't wait to see that. And her herd of oxen.
I cannot decide if this squatting trend defies or supports the idea that "possession is 9/10s of the law."
This will require that I slip away for a day. Hopefully not more. That will probably mean pissing off Jack. I have "run off" some many times in the past year that I think he is ready to string me up. Bad place to be with Jack. But sometimes such things cannot be helped.
The photo above is not the house, but is similar in size and setting.
There are some things I need to pickup. So, hopefully, I will be able to do that while I am out and about on this house run. You cannot buy .40 cal. ammo at night. And it has gotten so damned expensive.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Jack and Fleck
Jack was home tonight. Sherry went out with the girls. He is in bed. She is still not home. It is after 2am.
Flecka is tired. I can smell it on her. Her body is giving out. I can smell that. I can smell her pulse slowing, her metabolism slowing, her confusion and her exhaustion.
Doubt me? I smell everything. I can smell when a dog is scared. And people. Human emotions have the strongest scent of any species. Those who try to control and master their emotions have the strongest smelling emotions. Fear and anger and lust and such have the strongest scent. They have a strong musky smell, sometimes a bit sour, even putrid.
Love has a sweet smell, like a mix of vanilla and lavender. But that is just me. When I tell that to other dogs, weredogs and werewolves, they always say it smells like something else.
Jack and Flecka have a strong connection. When she goes he is going to hurt bad. He lets her out each night between 2300 and midnight, to do her business. If he forgets, or is not home, she shits somewhere in the house, wherever she is sleeping. Tonight he let her out and instead of walking around the front yard, she just went out about ten feet and plopped down in the grass, too tired to walk or sniff or poop. Jack stood there for a while. I watched from the front windows. Then he sauntered over and sat down next to her. And they stayed there a while, nearly midnight, the two of them, in the middle of the front lawn, not moving, sniffing the air and checking the sky. Kids were driving by, on their ways home, blaring music. None of them saw Flecka and Jack.
I have to wrap this up. Got a meeting to make, of weredogs and werewolves. Neo news. I can't bloody wait.
I just Flecka a sniff. She is fine, for tonight. Jack too, although a bit heavy with the scent of beer. I think I will help myslef to one of his beers when I get back tonight. The way he was putting them down, he will never know.