Sunday, May 11, 2008


I am glad that I am a dog for this election, so I don't have to vote.

Rex and I were out last night, on patrol, kinda. We stopped off at a late night bar we know about, one that stays open past legal closing time. The owner is neither weredog nor werewolf. Something in between. More on that later. 

We talked about the girl, the little girl who was missing, reappeared, out of nowhere, with no recollection of where she was. Sound suspicious? Us too. We decided to get a dog inside that household to keep an eye on the girl. The issue then becomes whether to infiltrate a dog into the household, or recruit a dog already in the household. They already have one dog.

So, we were in this bar, talking about things important, when the late news on the TV shows Barak Obama, the apparent front-runner for the Democratic Party. Everyone in there, people and dogs, started talking politics. 

Weredogs are not allowed to divide loyalties between people. We cannot side with one group or the other. So, we do not get involved in people politics. Loyalty is our mantra. Politics is too much the threat to that. And to tell you the truth, I am glad I do not have to mess with it. Because, from what I can tell, none of the candidates in this election are particularly exciting.

We do, however, vote and elect councils within our own packs, and grand councils. But, that is different. And what I simply cannot understand, and every dog agrees with me on this, is how you people divide so violently over politics. To hear some people, this country is ready for a second civil war. Do you people not remember, and understand, that "United we stand, divided we fall"? Thus, anyone within a pack who seeks to divide the pack betrays the pack, and their own survival, and that of their pups. 

We dogs have a vested interest in the stability of this country. We're somewhat dependent on you, us on each other. But, we do worry, sometimes, about the social stability of this country. Dogs in every country share these concerns, I assure you. This divisiveness is simply something we do not understand, cannot grasp. It is so obvious to us that the cohesion of the pack affects the individual survival of every member. 

It's not like we don't have our inter-breed rivalries and tensions. It happens. Corgis and Collies have a feud going back centuries. No one is sure how it began. Boxers and Borzois too. I have seen Setters and Spaniels argue to hours. And, for the love of dog, never bring a Foxhound, Deerhound, and Wolfhound into the same room together. But, if you do, DO NOT ask who is the best tracker. And in all these cases, it is more rare than snow snakes for these disagreements to go to blood. It just doesn't happen. We always remember that we all are dogs.

Of course, there was the time I saw a Great Dane driven off in terror by a pack of Shih Ztus, his legs from shins down in shredded, bloody tatters. 

Also, there was another attack the other night. The body was mutilated, defiled, violated. Werewolf, for sure. There have also been some very disturbing new developments. There have been two attacks on weredog patrols in the past three weeks. Werewolves targeting and attacking weredogs is not good. They are getting bold. 

I told Rex, "Enough of this shit. It's time to bag a wolf pelt." Rex said, "Hell, I'm redoing the den. Let's get us a whole damn pack of them."

That's what I like about Rex. He thinks big.

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