Monday, November 30, 2009

Good and Evil

I have had a lot of time to think lately, as I laid up, trying to heal. One thing I have been thinking a lot about is good and evil.

As long as we have been with man, we weredogs have never really understood, completely, mankind, and their ways. You claim to value good, the virtues in people. But, it is really the opposite. Admit it.

Good is boring. Evil in interesting. Who usually attracts the girls/women, the good boy, or the bad boy? Most women want a bad boy. What makes an interesting story, good characters, or flawed characters, good characters with bad traits, problems flaws? You get one guess.

Why is this? Can someone explain it to me? I have been awaiting comprehension for a very long time.

Most weredogs have spent an enormous amount of time over the centuries reading and studying on this. Take wolves and dogs. Dogs are man's best friend. But, who does man most want to emulate?

Wolves are the evil ones. But if you look back as far as the 7th century A.D. in Anglo-Saxon Britain, everyone and his brother is naming their sons "Wulf" or "Wulfen."

Does anyone know of any historical Celts named "Dog" or "Hund" or "Chien" or "Canis"? I know of none. OK, there was Doggen. But he was Japanese, fer chrissakes!

And let's not forget that man nearly hunted wolves into extinction. Just another piece of the puzzle.

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