Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Up All Night

Jack has been making things very difficult for me lately. He has been staying up all night many nights lately, ranting and storming about the house. He acts manic. I hope he is not crazy. I hate dealing with crazy people. They are so unreliable in feeding dogs.

The other night Jack was up all night, and I mean all night. I followed him around all night just in case I had to keep him from hurting himself. Round about 4am he was starting to freak me out. I was prepared to shift if I had to. Didn't matter. He was out of his head.

Reaching out to and coordinating efforts with the werewolves requires my presence at pack meetings and on patrols. But I cannot get out of the damn house. Because of Jack. I'm about to knock the sumbitch out. I could then get out of the house and he would get some sleep.

Jason asked, via email, if werefolk really shred our clothes when we shift, like in the movies. No. We don't. That habit would be very bloody expensive.

Jack just passed out. Time to go.

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