Sunday, February 7, 2010


Yes, weredogs can have sex. No, we cannot procreate. It is the price we pay for weredom and longevity. Some consider it a blessing, some a curse. Weredogs, and, I assume, werewolves, are divided on which it is.

There is an exception: weredogs and werewolves. I'll come back to this.

When we are dogs we only have sex with dogs, are only attracted to dogs. When we are human we only have sex with humans. Same attraction. When in wereform things get a bit more complicated, crazy.

We are not particularly sexual in wereform. It is not good stay remain in wereform for too long. But we are easily aroused and incited in wereform. The longest one can maintain wereform is several days, without being overcome with exhaustion.

Werefolk do not possess the same sexual morals as humans. Matter of fact, I am not sure we possess any sexual morals at all. We do not understand the puritanical restraint, and denial, that runs through Christianity, the nihilistic sexual attitudes that run through Islam, and probably all fundamentalisms.

There is a great song from the 60s wherein the refrain is "Love the one you're with." That could be the werecanine anthem. I swear.

Arousal is a constant companion for the weredog. I read once that "sex is violence." I don't agree. I say "sex can be violence." But, I do believe that that derive from the same primal place, in both dogs and men, and every other mammal. Thus, one can be sexually aroused by violence, and vice versa. And in a state of arousal, one's appetites can go many ways. I often want sex after a night patrol, especially if we made contact.

Courtship is not a necessity for weredogs. It is not possible for us much of the time. But, being dogs, companionship is a strong attractor for us.

But, it does have its benefits. For example, birth control is not an
issue for us. A weredog never has to worry if he, or she, has rubbers
readily available.

Safe sex is not a concern. We cannot catch that sort of disease.
There are diseases we fear. But, not those.

So, STDs and pregnancy are not concerns for us, nor are HIV or AIDS. But, we can get rug burns and other friction, or abrasive, wounds. Usually, they are worth it.

The great taboo is any sexual liaison between weredogs and werewolves. It is verboten. But, as you know if you have ben reading this blog long enough, that line gets crossed.

There are many reasons for this attitude about weredogs and werewolves. One is the many millennias of animosities and warfare between us. But, also, is the problem of offspring.

Hybrids are often problematic, between any two species. But, the offspring from weredogs and werewolves are very erratic and unpredictable, even to wolves. In times past, if found out by weredogs, they were put to death. There are stories that often they found reluctant refuge with werewolves.

About 10,000 years ago there were some dogs and wolves that got too much into mixing. Their off-spring rose up, created a kingdom of weredogwolves, killed or oppressed all the dogs, wolves and people in the area. It took several centuries for the combined efforts of dogs, wolves and people to overthrow them and wipe them all out. It almost soured the whole dog-man gig. But, Humans forgot. It was their pre-history. But, weredogs and werewolves never forgot.

It is also verboten for weredogs to become sexually entangled with the humans with whom they live. It is too risky, too easy to slip up and be found out.

So, Eldon knows all this. But, he has admitted to Warin and I that he is in love with this woman, Delicia. I asked him, "What kind of love are we talking here? More the infatuation kind, or the can't think straight kind?" He did not answer, just ducked his head and gave me the kind of look a puppy makes when he doodoos on the carpet.

"Ah hell," was all I could say.


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