Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Have a Howl

Got out last night. Went over to Warin's to see how he and Caitlyn are doing. Warin was trying to teach her to howl.

Your howl is important. Everyone has a howl.

Some dogs forget their howl. Most people forgot their howl. Only we weredogs have a firm bite on our howl. OK, maybe werewolves, certainly wolves. And I have known some great dog howlers.

Knowing your authentic howl is essential to knowing who you are. A howl originates in the deepest blast furnace that is your soul, way down deep in your belly. It brings up with it a lot of ballast.

During a full moon, even humans are drawn to their howl. For proof ask any paramedic or cop. They will tell you that things, and people, are crazier on nights of a full moon.

Allen Ginsberg knew about howling. Actually, he was a werewolf. Kerouac, ironically, was a weredog. Their friendship nearly brought our two races together. But it was not meant to be.

Caitlyn still has to work on her howl. But she is still in transition.

I feel like a howl. Or two.

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