Sunday, February 21, 2010


Caitlyn is living with Warin. She seems to be adjusting well, better than I hoped.

It is hard transitioning from human, or dog, to were. It is hard enough for an adult. It is extremely problematic for subadutls, kids, teens, or, worse, children. It can be fatal for small children, is always so for infants.

All pack members have been helping out, going to Warin's to lend what paw they can.

One issue is that we age very slowly. The were genome and the transitioning process provide some rejuvenation benefits that we do not even fully understand. Weredog scientists have been studying it for a long time.

So, Caitlyn will be a girl for much longer than she would have. That poses problems. She could be looking at centuries of adolescence. Not good.

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