Monday, August 16, 2010

House Dads

I have been catching up with all the local dogs, collecting intel, on neo activity and on how their families are doing. Kids are acting out more; women are more forgetful, especially at put-the-food-in-the-dish time; and more dads are involuntary house-dads.

House dads are not respected in our culture. Probably not in any
culture. This is because, on a primal level, we know that a man cannot
do what men must do when he is in the house. Men are meant to go out
and hunt, to bring home the meat, stand on the wall, fight the
battles. None of that can be done while carrying a laundry basket.

A high percentage of "successful" businessmen are not good fathers.
They do not have time to be. Kids are a distraction. No time for that.
Money to be made. "Success" also tends to stoke the ego, to make one
more self-centered, self-absorbed. This is for a reason. For many
thousands, even millions of years ago, males had to hunt for the pack or
tribe to survive. Anything that distracted him from that jeopardized
the survival of the group. That impulse is till hard-wired into the
male psyche.

It is the same for dogs, for wolves. This domestication gig is
relatively new, going back maybe 10,000 years for man, with the advent of agriculture. The human race goes back 5 million years. Canines date back 40 million years.

Ironic that dogs were domesticated before mankind.

So the drive to bring home meat derives from the survival instinct.
And today meat requires money. No money, no meat, literally and figuratively. This just adds to the angst and anger that characterizes human cultures today.


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