Friday, August 31, 2012

Ancient Battle Site

I visited an ancient battle site when I was in Europe earlier this year. It is the site of an ancient battle between men and werewolves. Scientist have found the bones nearly 100 warriors and suspect the remains of 1,000. Werelore tells that there are the remains of thousands of human warriors in this place.

Here is a recent article:
2,000 Year Old Mass Grave

Scientists are trying to figure out why so many of the bones have teeth marks. That is because after the battle the werewolves feasted on their dead opponents.

Werelore claims that there were no weredogs present at this battle, that the chieftan did not trust nor want and weredogs involved and had banished us from his lands. Also, there were very much out-numbered, had no idea how many werewolf warriors they would be facing.

Werewolves are asking for help in masking the truth of this ancient battle site. We are discussing that request, which has numerous issues attached.

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