Saturday, September 1, 2012

Boilermaker's Union

The Boilermaker's Union, an international union which is headquartered in Kansas City, is in a lot of trouble lately and is run by a pack of werewolves. This pack has been known to us for some time. We have not moved against them because they have not been preying upon people, at least not with tooth and claw.

Boilermakers Union - Werewolves Out of Control

Wolves often, usually, do not know when to stop, when to restrain themselves and what lines not to cross. Wolves were central to many of the recent financial debacles that have plagued this country - the junk bonds fiascos of the 1980s, the recent subprime mortgage and corporate bailout fiasco, and most of the deregulation over the past 30 years that has allowed the foxes to take charge of the chicken coops. Derivatives are a particular werewolf favorite.

No matter how well they clean up and what clothes they wear and how charming the appear and how polished their dinner table etiquette, few werewolves can control their predatory nature, which strives to be expressed in one way or another.

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