Sunday, November 16, 2008

New Species

I am here, home, with my girls - Bella, Flecka, and Sparkle.  Everyone else is gone.  Rick and Sven are at a boy scout camp out.  No idea where Jack and Sherry are.  And I don't give a damn.  Hope they are having fun, wherever they are.  I am watching old movies, catching up on e-mails and RSS feeds, eating left-over chili, and drinking Jack's beer.  And I don't give a crap if he notices.

I am tired.  I'm tired of chasing Jack and Sherry around, trying to keep them on the straight and narrow.  I'm tired of worrying that Jason is going to cap the wrong person, that Sven is going to kick in some kid's head, or that I'll smell drugs on Rick, or that Rooster is going to freeze to death outside.

So, after I post this I am leading all dogs upstairs to get up on Rick's bed and all of us sleep like hibernating bears.  I had Warin bring us by some sirloins early, on his way to a grand pack meeting.  Our tummies are full.  

Brandon, back on Oct. 31st, posted: "a species that is not man, not dog, not wolf? What is it then? A different animal?"

Yes, talk within the wereworld is of a new species.  But, a new animal?  No.  Not exactly.  Think of it in terms of dogs and wolves, or weredogs and werewolves.  We are very close in terms DNA.  I don’t even know how far off we are.  A couple genes out of a million?  No idea.

Chimpanzees and man share 98.7% of the same DNA.  Think of that.  Neanderthals were much closer to man than that.  This is ironic, because neanderthals play a major part in the weredog-werewolf story.  And the story of man as well.

This new species is derived from man.  It is like man, looks like man and acts, for the most part, like man.  But, it does not think like man.  Not entirely.  Its core, primal logic has been altered somewhat.  

The core motivation for all creatures is slef-preservation - survival.  Am I right or am I right?  Of course I’m right.  That is why we eat and fight and procreate, and everything else we do.  All actions tie back to the survival instinct.  Even greed ties back to survival.  100,000 years ago a person’s survival depended on having enough food and shelter, for him and her and their family, or group.  Odds of survival were better the more food one, or a group, hoarded.  Odds were better with a bigger cave.  Odds were better with more fire, better spears, sharper rocks.  

Today that survival instinct manifests itself in the form of large houses, mansions, bloated hedge fund accounts and family trusts that contain hundreds of millions of dollars, and whose beneficiaries look like paupers on paper.  Or at least they pay taxes like paupers. It manifests itself as bloated militaries, of private homes stuffed with firearms, civilian and military.

Human survival has also always involved groups.  There is safety in numbers.  Numbers is one of the ways humans prevailed over neanderthals.  It is how most military victories are achieved.  It is the best way to stay safe in a large city at night or on the modern battlefield.
This new species does not harbor this logic.  It seeks the destruction of others, even of its own kind.  It sees its ow survival threatened by others of its species.  Reasons for this can be religious, such as Satan, or Dog’s judgement, or that one of them just has a real nasty sense of humor.  But, I think a more likely explanation is that our numbers are getting too big. 

The population of mankind is getting to a point that it is becoming problematic.  This has never happened before.  What will happen when the Chinese middle class continues to explode, like it is, and they all get cars?  And what will happen when the Indian middle and upper classes start to consume like we do here in the U.S.?  

This new species would explain a lot of the anomalies in politics, government and business in the past few years.  Why does it seem that so many people are trying to wreck their own companies?  Why are so many trying to destroy government?  

Based on all that, I think the earth itself may have some role in forming this new species.  If that is the case, we can’t really be mad at it.  It would simply be seeking its own survival.
I wonder if they smell any different.  I bet they do.  How could they not?

A thought:  Scientists think neanderthals died out approximately 28,000 years ago.  Isn’t it about time for a new man species?  

That's it. We're crashing. And don't worry about Rooster.  I started letting him in and feeding him at night.  He stays and sleeps in the basement.  Then I let him out in the morning when I get up, before everyone else.  He must be appreciative.  He quit calling me shithead.

Fresh meat.

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