Saturday, November 22, 2008


Several have let me know in e-mails that they do not like my attitudes
about werewolves, that all are not the same. One, Connie, said that
my glorification of war, violence, and wiping out wolves is not
appropriate, especially now.

Please, understand. I do not like violence or war. No do I have any
problems with wolves, just werewolves. And you have to understand I
have been fighting and hating werewolves a very long time, often with
other dogs that have been at it much longer than me.

I am ready to entertain the prospect that all werewolves are not the
same, just as all weredogs are not cut from the same hide. But,
weredogs ad werewolves have ben at war a very long time.

A species has gone extinct in the time we have been at war, one that
played a role in the early days of the war. This war has been going
on longer than any of these human wars. In contrast, the Jews and
Christians have been at it only about 2,000 years. The Christians,
Jews and Muslims only a couple hundred years, or 1,000 years,
depending on when you date the start of that religious goat
fornication, either the Crusades or western colonialism of the
Victorian Age. That is nothing.

Do I not recognize the significance of my recent meetings and
attractions to 2 female werwolves? Yes. I do. But, keep in mind
that I am male in all 3 forms, and thus weak to the allures of
females, in either form. People are no different. Women love bad
boys, guys they know are bad for them, who they often sense or know
are evil. Men like bad girls, girls who you absolutely do not want to
take home to meet Mama.

Weredogs and werewovles have been known to interbreed. It is
biologically possible, just like dogs and wolves. But, it is not
something we talk about. At least not openly. So, there can be
attraction between weredogs and werewolves. I have even heard rumors
that there are weredogs who are into werewolf porn. As disgusting as
that sounds, I understand it, on some level.

There was also interbreeding between man and neanderthals back before
their war started. But, keep in mind, times were different. One
needed to be in a pack or tribe to survive. One needed to breed, to
pass on skills and wisdoms. Even after the man-neanderthal war broke
out, interbreeding supposedly occurred. But, I was not there. I only
know what I know about that time from werelore.

I have carried sword and 16 in this war. I have used claw and
claymore. I have fought and killed dogs and men of every breed. Yes,
I have killed dogs. And weredogs. It happens. And it is not
something we like to talk about. War is a messy business. We do not
like war, but realize that sometimes it must happen. And our alliance
with mankind requires that we support them when they needs us. When
duty calls, we must answer.

Duty is important to a dog, dog and weredog alike. Some accuse dogs o
being blindly obedient. That is not true. It is not obedience, but
loyalty, that drives our sense of duty. The good of the pack
supersedes the good of the individual. And there are many types of
packs - families, companies, battalions, units, countries, races,
species, groups of every size, configuration and orientation.

The boys are at a sleep-over. Jack and Sherry are out. I am in.
Bella and Flecka are asleep on the floor in front of the fire.
Sparkle is asleep upstairs, in Rick's bed. Rooster is asleep down in
the basement, on the ratty old couch that Jack likes to nap on and
Sherry wants to burn. Think I'll take Rooster more tuna before I shut
down and turn out.


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