Wednesday, September 5, 2012

En Route

I will leave here shortly and be in movement for the next several days. I am heading back to KC, in spite of numerous and strenuous warnings. And I have been forbidden to see my family, Jack and all.

So, I am heading back to the land of BBQ, suburban angst and competitive parenting.

OK, it is truer to say that KC is the worldwide BBQ capital. Memphis and Texas always argue that point, but only because they know the truth.

And KC, within its numerous and various overly affluent and anxiety-ridden suburban enclaves must be one of the top international centers of competitive parenting, which is the new hot sport in which parents compete against one another through their kids in terms of grades, sports, hobbies, appearance, status and dog knows what else.

I am not entirely clear on yet how well organized this new sport is, if they have referees or a foundation of rules and plays. I have to remember to ask Caitlyn. Or maybe Warin, as he is currently playing the role of parent.

I have seen and heard of one-on-one ComPar matches, typically between mothers, that make the NFL (football) and UFC (mixed martial arts) seem like sing-alongs at the local nursing home. Too much money, time and desperation will do that to a mom. Or a dad, if he is one of the legion of unemployed casting about for something to give his life meaning.

My transport and escort are ready. Gotta go.

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