Monday, June 1, 2009

Things Recently Learned

I learned some interesting things during my recent travels, with Ganieda, in the Badlands and in those hills above Ft. Robinson.  And elsewhere.  Here's a sample, and my thoughts.

There have been 15 mass extinctions over the past 500 million years. 5 of those involved the extinction of over half of the species then living. 

Half?!  That's a heck of a lot of extinctions, animals that have gone away never go be seen again. Most we will never know about, because we don't have a clue they ever existed. 

Mass extinctions happen during periods of low global oxygen levels. Right now we enjoy relatively high oxygen levels. 10% drops in oxygen were common during the mass extinctions. 

Regardless of what many say, this planet is warning rapidly and at rates not experienced before. What effect will this have on oxygen levels? No one knows. Admittedly, we are currently in an ice age. Yes. We are. I know. Seems strange. But, we have been so for about 2.5 million years. The question is when will we come out of it and what will result? 

Oxygen an respiration have always been the most important driver on adaptation and evolution. 

Are the Neos a result of these shifts? Will Neos propagate or suffer in low oxygen? And how about us, canines and humans?  How might we adapt and change? Not sure I want to know the answers.

Everyone is gone from the house today. It's just us dogs and cats here. I am in weredog form to type this.  Before I shift back to dog I need to go liberate some leftover flank steak from the back of the fridge. I know it's forgotten. Hate to waste. Flecka and Sparkle can help me in the liberation.

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