Monday, June 1, 2009

Things Changed At Home

I've been back nearly a week, since last Tuesday. It's good to be back. But, things have changed.

Jack is still without a job. There is more tension between he and Sherry. It smells like No Man's Land between the AEF and German lines in WW1, but without any hint of mustard gas. Both are now deeply depressed. Jack is having anger issues. Sherry grits her teeth when she sleeps. I lay on the floor at the foot of the bed and listen to her do it.

The boys, Rick and Sven are solidly into adolescence now. They are moody and sullen much of the time and are starting to talk back. This adds to the colorful pyrotechnic dynamics of the family. Jack's level of patience right now is like the water level in Death Valley.

Bella died while I was gone. I miss her presence in this house. Flecka seems much older and more tired. But, she has been staying close to me a lot. Sparkle is much larger, and smarter, sometimes too smart for her own good. She keeps bugging me to tell her what all I did while I was gone.  Rooster and Bailey became friends while I was gone. Jack and Sherry still have no idea how Rooster just showed up in our house. But, they've stopped worrying about it.

I have gone out every night since I have been back. Had to - to catch up on pack business and news, on local developments, and to check in with all my dog and weredog connections. This is the first night I will be in all night. I am still tired from my 3-month odyssey . 

OK. I have to sleep. I will pick this back up tomorrow, when I can.

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