Monday, June 1, 2009

Clarity and Answers

I need to clarify and answer some things

Swiftpaw was incensed about the bounty hunters killing dogs on US FOBs in Iraq. Those weren't Arabs. Those were US contractors, hired in the US and sent over to shoot strays. I know. Don't get me started.

Someone asked what is a "hildelayoth"? It is my understanding that the word is Old English and means death song.

Brandon asked what kind of dog that is in the photo in the Moscow subway. I don't know without asking him. But, definitely looks like a mix to me. 

Someone else sent me an email asking about weresex. I will have to post on that at some point. Sex is sex. But, then again, it is unique for each individual, like fingerprints, and scent.


Swiftpaw Fatfox said...

Wow, that angers me more that it is US citizens killing those dogs. That just proves that money is the root of all evil, it's stuff like this that makes me ashamed to be human.

Brandon said...

And is not going anywhere anytime soon

Chester said...

There are many people who do not like dogs. There are many more who simply do not care. It is a human thing, not a US thing. Nationality is irrelevant.

And yes. Money is a problem. But, we sure as shit need it. Beats bartering. Currency is good.

Chester said...

Also, about the dog bounty hunters, man of the PMC employed people from other countries. It is likely some of the dog exterminators were Chilean or Philippino.

And it is true that dogs are treated better in the U.S., and the West in general, than in other cultures. That is one of the main reasons I have never spent much time outside North American. The main reason is this is the culture and continent I was born in, those many years ago. It is was I am oriented toward. I have been to Asia. But, never stayed. Too alien. Always wanted to get back here.

Having said that, there is widespread abuse and neglect of dogs and other pets here in the U.S. No doubt about that. As a weredog I can more avoid that abuse, or deal with that abuse in special ways, that dogs cannot.