Thursday, January 21, 2010


We took the girl to Holly's. Her name is Caitlyn. Holy talked to her most of that night, trying to determine her state of mind.

Linc, one of our pack, showed up. He'd heard about the girl. Said he wanted to help. But, he was curious. Say what you will, but dogs are at least as curious as cats. When we told him her name he got excited.

"Caitlyn? That won't work."


"A weredog named Caitlyn? Are you kidding? Might as well name her 'Cat' and be done with it."

I told him, "Linc, go over there in that corner and lick yourself until we call for you."

"Hey. I'm just sayin'."

The 2 werewolves showed up late, near dawn, moving slower than normal. One kept belching and saying, "Jeez. 'Scuse me." They wanted to know about the girl. But, also they said got some new neo information. As they were dining out in the sticks they were approached by a coyote that said he had to tell them something. In exchange for some of the pedophile the coyote told them some surprising information.

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