Saturday, January 30, 2010

Were Languages

Several questions have come to me about weredog communication. I will attempt a short answer.

Weres and dogs communicate differently than humans. Surprise. This is due to the fact they and we have different physiologies - vocal cords, eyes, ear, coats.

Most humans have a hard time with the concept that communication can happen outside the complete sentence. In fact, most human communication is non-verbal, via body language, such as posture. But, dogs and weres communicate by means of things that humans cannot detect, such as scent. Fear has a strong scent. So does arousal.

Coat behavior is another means of communication amongst canines. Raised hackles are one example. There are others. Many. The tails and ears are big. I am particularly drawn to the hairs on the neck. We see them. People don't.

In dog form I am a dog. In human form I am a man. In were form I am were. But, in human form I can connect with dogs much easier than the average human. In dog form I cannot "talk" to humans, other than in those quaint ways that all dogs struggle to do so with their humans. In were form I can communicate with both dogs and humans.

Weredog vocal cords are unique to primates and canines. We can make sounds that are familiar to both dogs and people, and alien to both.

There is a were language, and there are several were dialects. Dog and wolf at two separate dialects. But they are close enough that we can talk without much problem. It is like people from Boston and Dallas trying to pallaver. Some of you know, that is not always pretty.

There is more to tell. But, just got in. Much to do. Getting late. Busy night. Plan to sleep most of the day.

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