Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Missing Girl

Warin and I, and 2 werewolves we have ben working with, found a missing kid, by accident.

Warin and these 2 wolves have been tracking a group of neo's that we got scent of in our pack area. We thought we had found the neo's. Instead we found a young girl held captive in a basement. Neo's and pedophiles have similar scent traits.

We decided we had no choice than to rescue the 9-year-old girl. That is one of the things we do. We had to explain this to the werewolves. It did not take all that much convincing.

We did call Holly and she came right over. She is the wise old bitch of our pack. She said if we did rescue her she would be ruined, her mind broken. Holly said the girl's only hope was wereturn.

The wolves quickly said she then should turned the way of wolf. We, of course, said dog. We negotiated and it was agreed that the girl would be offered to become a weredog. In exchange our 2 werewolf partners got the pedophile. But, they had to promise to take him far into the country to do what they would do with him.

"Make sure you bury his remains," I said.

"There won't be any remains," said one of the wolves, with a big wolfish grin. No one does a wolfish grin like a wolf. They are so good at it.

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