Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Lexus Pizza

On the way back from the dog run yesterday Jack stopped at a light behind a Lexus pizza delivery vehicle. "Only in Johnson County," he said.

Sven and Rick wore only hoodies and tennis shoes to the dog run. It was around 12 degrees. Half a foot of snow. Jack did not bitch at them. Much. They kept saying that nothing would happen, and it it did, they have their phones. I wanted to bit them.

Too much has happened this month, December, to tell it all in a few posts. Jack did not laugh at the Lexus. 2 years ago he would have. I cannot recall the last time I heard he and Sherry say "I love you" to each other. They do not even say "Hello" to each other anymore. Ricky is acting more erratic, lying more. Sven is more somber. Basketball tryouts this week. Both will play. Hopefully, that will help their moods.

No major dramas at the New Year's Party. No neo scent. No weres. Lots of drunken crazy. A drunken dirty-blonde tried to get me to take her in one of the bathrooms, upstairs. I managed to extricate myself with some tact. She accused me of being queer. She probably would have made too much noise and puked on me. Would not have been the first time.

There have been many emergency pack meetings, at all levels. Werewolves have been attending. Never seen that before. Word is that neo's do not like the cold, and it has been very cold around here lately. Snow coming down several times a week. 6 more inches last night. We weres have been making use of the cold to make some moves on the neos. Can't say more than that, now. Warin and I were out last night with 2 werewolves. Special errand. It was glorious. Sub-zero temperatures. We ran in wereform. Damn, but those freakin' wolves love the cold. Their coats all are dark. Mine is dark yellow. Most nights it is not a problem. But, lately, last night, the moonlight refracts off the snow, lights me up like a star cluster.

Our new foursome, Warin and I and the 2 wolves, works well. It is like we have been working and operating together for a long time. Have to see how it evolves. To think that I have been wrong about werewolves all this many, long years is a disturbing thought.

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