Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Competing Corruptions

She told us that her charge works for a government agency that is part of the Justice Department. He also is involved in enforcement. She told us that a new phrase is popping up in their agency communications, almost as a catch-phrase: "competing corruptions."

She said that the basic idea is that today human politics and business is all about competing corruptions, that playing fair is no longer seen as a viable operating logic, that amongst governments, and especially corporations, "S/He who plays the dirtiest wins." Several around the table howled in laughter and protest

I said I not disagree, that there are still good people. A werewolf named Jorl, guest at the meeting that night, said that may be the case but that those good people have less say in matters and decisions that affect the world.

A weredog who works at the SEC said that it is true, that corporations now all seem to operate under the logic that who lies and steals most wins. He said the larger the corporation the more it is pulled down this black hole. And corporations are more and more leading and directing corporations, so the result is the same with them.

I told them not to forget about the Neo factor and influence. Jorl said that the Neo's cannot be blamed for it all. He is right. When desperate, people are capable of anything. That made me think of Jack.

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