Monday, October 18, 2010

Modified foods and Junk Genes

I was able to attend a conference last week, during the day. We held our sessions during the regular, published sessions. That was our cover. It was a conference on autism. Our conference was on new findings in genetics that affect weres and humans. Neos were the central topic.

The modern world is activating certain human junk genes. This is bringing about many unforeseen changes. This is possibly responsible for the increase in autism spectrum disorders, the rise in numbers of sociopaths, obesity, a hundred other abnormalities, and neos.

This is a process of speciation and mutation. The speciation is a result of overpopulation, stress, inactivity, food preservatives, technology, and more. That speciation has given us the neo sapiens, which have evolved from within the global homo sapien population.

Why? Is the earth pissed off at mankind? Wouldn’t blame it. Are neos an antidote to the virus that is humanity? Were homo sapiens an antidote to neanders, a correction?

Werescientists have new findings that suggest that modified foods are one of the triggers that has activated the genome and brought about the mutation that has given us the neo's.

Weredogs have been leaving companies like Monsanto as they learn what is going on, what the company to is doing, what effects their modified seeds and foods are having on the world and everyone on it.

But it is, possibly, also all the other toxins that we flood into our bodies and minds. There is still a lot unknown about the long term effects of preservatives in food. There is more than modified seeds and preservatives. The list is long.

Corporations are influencing science such that it is getting harder to get true, untainted scientific findings. More and more, scientists are getting their funding from corporations. Those corporations then expect a return on their investment. Often that is friendly findings to their products.

This is causing major challenges for werescientists. It is harder to trust findings, results or even data anymore. But it is harder even to get a hold of the raw source data, which is often corporate property and treated accordingly.

Also, neos hold more top positions in corporations than ever before. We do not have solid figures. But those we do know, that we know of, are frightening.

I also did manage to attend some of the sessions on autism. All the weres there were either presenters or attendees at the autism conference. I learned a lot. Sven is not sick, nor does he require being cured or fixed. He is Sven. He has Asperger's. There are challenges with that, as there are with all humans. There are definite advantages to Sven, like a lack of games that most people play with each other.

It is harder for Sven to filter out all the noise and stimuli that bombards him daily. It is the same for dogs. Some are better than others. But most dogs have to learn to contend with constant over-stimulation. Being a weredog helps. But some days it is still hard.

In one of the our were sessions a geneticist reported that a study in France is trying to connect autism to the recently identified Neanderthal genes in the human genome. "Great," I said out loud. "If that gets out they will start saying that anyone on the autistic spectrum is a neanderthal." A very attractive werewolf, in human form, of curse (we all were) leaned over to me and said, "I knew there was a reason I like them."

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