Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Dog Rescued from Sewer

This was in today's paper:

"A frightened dog was found in a 60-foot-deep sewer hole in a field just south of Berkley Park on Tuesday afternoon. 

He sat alone - whimpering - until the Kansas City Fire Department came to his aid."

Click here to read the entire article.

This is why I keep my faith in humans, this kind of story. Sure, we dogs get concerned from time to time. People often exhibit a determined insistence to destroy themselves, everyone they love, and the entire planet. Humans love war. There is no doubt about that. Lust, greed and avarice often seem like the primary human values. Then I read something like this. By the way, dogs like firemen. Once you get past the strong odor of smoke, you can smell that firemen are just good guys. 

And it is not that simple. Jack and Sherry both have their challenges. Neither are perfect. Neither will Ricky and Sven be. But, they are good people. Like firemen. It's just that sometimes they put out the wrong fire, or fan the wrong flames.

Dog rescues can take this off on a hundred different roads. Like the puppy mill rescues, Jason and Jessica. Much more on that later.

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