Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Werewolf Rising

Werewolves are on the move.

Werewolf activity has risen dramatically. All weredogs are on Alert-Reaction Status. We have to be ready to react, or go, on a moment's notice. I have a "Go Bag" stashed in the bushes on the side of the house. In it are 3 bottles of water; a small 2-way radio, with 2-mile range; a .40 cal, with 5 clips; 100 ft. of parachute cord; a 6-inch Randal fighting; a skinning knife; 20 lbs. of beef jerky; an MP-5 with 10 mags; a Warren Zevon CD; and a 18-inch maglite. A few other items. But that's the jist of it. I have another "Go Bag" at Rex's that similar with only a few additional items, like a larger bottle of Tobasco, a GPS, and a sawed-off 12 gauge. The makings of a real party. 

We are to patrol in groups no fewer than three, preferably five, in any form of our choosing. We are to take no chances. If we smell trouble or danger, we are to assume weredog form. The change is quicker from dog form, so people have been seeing lots of packs of stray dogs running and sniffing around the area recently. 

Jason and Jessica have both been calling me. They want to recruit me. I may recruit them. Rex and I have discussed it, several times. Something about them draws me. Rex says Jessica would be good, but that Jason is to heavy with hate. Rex thinks it makes Jason unstable. Emotions can do that. Jason thinks killing evil people will make him stable. I see it. Seen it before.

Sven snuck out the other night. I cam home, from a patrol, to find he was gone. The moment I came into the house I could smell he was not here. I immediately called Rex and we went right back out. We found him and four other kids down on some swing-sets along the trail. It was secluded by trees. None of the nearby houses could see them. Few could hear anything. 

I got his scent in the back yard, went right to them. They were sitting in the swing, smoking cigs, talking about girls and vids. Watching them from the brush I smelled it, something moving on the other side of the playground open area. I could not make out if it was wolf or not, but it was definitely trying to get close to Sven and his buds. "I smell it too," Rex said.

I went in in dog form. Sven, of course, saw me and freaked. I barked a coupled times and ran off. He ran after me. Rex went in in human form and told the other boys they needed to go home. I had circled back, in case Rex needed support, and without Sven knowing I went back. Rex got them to all to their homes. 

Bella has cancer. She has several months to live. This has cast a pall over the house. It is hard for everyone to accept. She is the "alpha dog" of the family. Ony Flecka doesn't understand. And she won't, until Bella is gone. Then she will come to me. And I don't know what I will tell her. 

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