Saturday, December 6, 2008

Werewolves, Evil for Certain?

Brandon asked how can I, or anyone, be certain that all werewolves are evil. 

That is a tough question. It used to be easy. Things used to be so much easier. There was a time when dogs and men and wolves were all one way or another.   

The modern world has made things more complex. It has made werewolves rethink their place, their role, their nature. As such, it seems that all werewolves are not intent on death and destruction as all werewolves used to be.   

The 2 female werewolves I have recently crossed paths with give me food for thought.  Their howl and scent was authentic. It stands to reason there are others, like them, who have given up their old, evil ways. At least to some extent.  

But, keep in mind, we weredogs and werewolves have been at this a long time, longer than the Israelis and Palestinians; longer than the Christians and the Muslims; longer than the English and the French; longer than even that of cats and dogs, and even longer than Chiefs and Raider fans.  

Hate is  a hard habit to break. It is harder to kick than booze or meth or sex or online gaming. It is a very reliable companion. It will never let you down.   

Yes. There are werewolves, and small packs and pockets of werewolves, that seem to be intent upon and able to live in peace with men and dogs. But, they are the exception and not the rule. 

How does one know which is which, who is who, and whether the raised lip that bared tooth is after your friendship or your flesh?  And who wants to take that risk?

I don’t know, don’t have answers, but d have some impure thoughts about some shewolves. And that is where it begins.

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