Thursday, December 25, 2008

Xmas Visit

I went outside last night, in weredog form, to check on whatever it was making the cats, Rooster and Bailey, and I edgy. There was something, or someone, out there. I went to check it out.

I did two sweeps of the perimeter before I froze on the east side of the house, where the trees and bushes crowd, make it dark and hard to see at night, the best spot for an ambush.  I sensed them, felt them, even before I heard or smelled them. I snarled and jacked a round in the chamber of the .40 cal. 

"Wait," said a female voice.  "We come to talk."  Three dark figures emerged from the trees and brush. I did not raise the .40, but tightened my grip. The lead figure came into the small cone of light, enough for me to see.


"Glad you remember me."

"You'd be hard to forget. Who are these guys?"

Diella introduced her friends.  One was named Harod. The other was Pilet. Werewolves do have some formidable talents. Choosing names is not one of them.  Harod was small and overly friendly. Pilet was larger and not happy to be here. Both smelled distinctly of werewolf.

"Can we come in?" said Diella.

"Come . . . in?" I said. "To my . . . house?"

"You got a cave nearby?"

I had to hear what they had to say. So, I invited them in. Rooster was not happy. Bailey disappeared. 

I pointed them to the large couch in the family room, next to the fire. I wanted them sitting together. Easier to keep an eye on all three. "Want anything to drink?" I said.  "Coffee? Beer?  RC Cola?  Egg nog?"

"Got anything stronger?" said Harod. All six of their eyes shined expectant for my answer.

"Yeah."  So, I shared my damn Talisker with three damn werewolves.  

After a sip of the Talisker, and smacking of lips, Diella said, "Have you thought about what I said?"

"You mean about this new species you claim is moving in, that is a threat to us all?"  


I said I had. They wanted to know if I had talked about it with my pack, and we in turn had passed the information and invitation farther up the weredog latter, to other packs and leaders. I said I had taken the information to my pack, that we had discussed it, and that my pack alpha was taking it to other alphas, and I have not heard anymore than that.  They volunteered that there had been an incident at the casino. 

"Incident?" I said.  Diella would not elaborate. We talked more about what this new species might look like, how it might behave, how it might be identified. And we sipped more Talisker.  Before long we were watching It's A Wonderful Life and White Christmas on the TV and roasting marshmallows.  We drank all the egg nog, and nearly finished off my brand new bottle of Talisker. Rooster sat on the back of the couch and watched Pilet warily. Even Bailey returned, and sat in a corner, watching Diella.

Hard and Pilet fell asleep, curled up on both couches. Diella and I sat on the floor.

"Do you really hate us?"

"Missou fans?  No, not really."

"I'm serious"

"You're not like any werewolf I have ever known."

"How many have you known?" 

"A few."

"You're not like any weredog I've ever known either," she said. "We need you." She leaned toward me. "I need you."  Before I could respond, Pilet yelled. He had awakened to find Rooster sitting on his chest. "He likes you," I said.

"We have to o," said Diella.

So, I spent Xmas eve with 3 werewolves, and shared my Talisker with them.

I cannot cover or remove their scent. Belle will have a fit when she gets back, barking and whining all over the place, wanting to know what the hell has been going on around here. I better come up with a story to tell her.

I got a few hours sleep after they left. Got up about 11:00, was antsy, knew what I had to do.

I went to the dog run. I drive Sherry's Lexus there, parked a hundred meters past the dog run parking lot, in a picnic area, no one else was there. Go figure. I went into nearby wood, shed my clothes, changed into dog form, and cavorted in the dog run for nearly two hours. Temperature was perfect. Amazing how many dogs and people were there on Christmas Day. Every time someone would say, "Whose dog is that?  Who is with him?", I would dart off to another part of the run.

Home now. Lots more to do. Much to catch up on. But, still, I am lonely, in spite of Rooster and Bailey.  I miss the boys.  I miss Sherry and Jack.  I really miss Flecka, even Bella, bossy little bitch that she is. 

But, I have lots to do around here. Might go out on patrol with Warin tonight. If not, wonder if there are any good movies on tonight. And I wonder how much Talisker we left. Not much, I think. 


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