Thursday, December 25, 2008

Xmas Eve

Here we are, Bailey and Rooster and I, just the 3 of us, at home, alone, on Christmas Eve.

I made a nice beef stew. Cats don't eat stew. Go figure. I miss Flecka. She loves stew.  Bailey sat on my lap. I've never heard of that before, a cat sitting on, or going anywhere near, a weredog lap.

I went out today, drove Sherry's Lexus. Pumped two gallons of gas to cover. Only went to get some things for the stew, and something for me.  That thing was Talisker single malt scotch. I like scotch.  Single malt is the creme of scotch. So, I ate the stew, Rooster and Bailey ate. . . well, nasty cat food.  We watched Christmas movies. I got a fire going. And I sipped some Talisker.

Rooster has been edgy since about 9:00.  He said something, or someone, was out there.  He was freaking. Fine, I said.  I went out, did a perimeter sweep. I froze me ass off, but I did it.  I took the .40 cal.  I found nothing. But, my hackles did rustle. And when your hackles rustle, when they stir, you should not ignore it.  I went out again, two more times. Something is out there. And one of two options are possible. One, they do not know what I am, and they will regret it.  Two, they do know what I am, are here for me, and still they are going to regret it.

We watched Bad Santa. Now we are watching the Vatican Christmas Eve Mass (prerecorded). It is interesting, I have to admit. But, I also have to say that this thing humans have for religion, we dogs, weredogs, will never understand.  Humans and religion is something weredogs cannot get our minds around. Sure, we have a sense of "Almighty" and powers beyond ourselves.

Ever wonder what dogs are doing when they howl at the moon?  Praying.  That's what we're doing. When we howl we are praying. Not like humans pray. We dogs, and all other animals, lack the key ingredient for human religion: guilt. No other animal species does guilt like people do guilt.

Hold on.  Rooster is freaking out again. Now Bailey is too.  Something is out there. Something is up. I'm changing to weredog form. Where are those extra 2 clips for the .40 cal?  I'm going out.

Merry Christmas.


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