Thursday, July 2, 2009

Darwin Killed Off The Werewolf

Darwin showed that it is impossible for us to exist. It was during this time, in the latter half of the 19th century, that we weredogs, and werewolves started to keep a lower profile.

Also, keep in mind, as I've mentioned before, that weredogs used to be seen a lot by people, and were usually misidentified as werewolves, which suited us fine. But, we never hurt anyone. Scared a few men, women and children, freaked some people out, sent some screaming to the church or the bottle. But, hurt anyone? No. 

As a matter of fact, as some of you may have suspected, and I have this from very good authority, the Little Red Riding Hood story was derived from fact. But, the wolf was actually a weredog trying to get her safely to grandma's.  The story was greatly skewed for better telling. And in that time a talking canine could only be evil.

Darwin Killed Off The Werewolf
It was Darwinian theory that did away with the werewolf. The publication of Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species exactly 150 years ago focused minds on a different kind of monster - ape-men such as the Yeti, Bigfoot and Sasquatch. From then onwards, werewolves were relegated to a fictional footnote.



Brandon said...

Obviously darwin wasnt good enough, you're still here. All kidding aside, I do have a hypothetical question for you Chester: What would happen if Werewolves and Weredogs were suddenly exposed by the media? The footage would have to be irrifutable to the point were it could not be argued that it was just a large animal or something like that, but still, what do you think would happen?

Chester said...

I will answer this later. I am in dog form now. Sherry is home today. Claws and keys are not a good match. She might leave for the gym soon.

Bottom line: Nothing. Science, like religion, believes what it wants to believe, what it must believe. Elaboration to follow.