Saturday, July 4, 2009

What Would Happen?

Brandon asked: 
"What would happen if Werewolves and Weredogs were suddenly exposed by the media? The footage would have to be irrefutable to the point were it could not be argued that it was just a large animal or something like that, but still, what do you think would happen?"

Several things preclude that ever happening. First, science, which is very hostile to things that do not fit its theories and schematics. When science does find something that does not fit, it makes it fit, with a hammer. Or it gets hidden away. Two, religion. Same. Anything it cannot explain it paints as evil, Satan's work. 

For these reasons werefolk, weredogs and werewolves, cannot yet come out into the light, so to speak. (Keeping in mind, we already are in the light. We weredogs prefer the day, and go out at night, for pack meetings, patrols, etc, only because we have to. No other choice. Werewolves are the same. Wolves like the night. But they love the day. Wolves and werewolves have simply learned that night hunting is very advantageous for most prey. Special Operations troops know the same truth.) 

Another consideration is that all werefolk know that mankind is the greatest predator. Ever. Or, so far. Even werewolves, who Hollywood would suggest rules the night, fear the predatory instincts of man. They remember that they were almost hunted t extinction, like their Neanderthal partners so many eons ago. 

So, it behooves us, all werefolk, to stay off mankind's radar. But, when that is at risk, on those few situations, then there are methods in place to correct. More than once rescue and extraction operations have been conducted to get werefolk, dogs and wolves, out of facilities where their testing and exposure could lead to some dangerous changes. When we weredogs do such no one gets hurts. When werewolves do it they leave behind a blood trail and corpses.

It has also benefited us over the centuries, as I've mentioned before, to allow ourselves, weredogs, to be misidentified as werewolves whenever we have come up on the radar. That is also one of the things that has pissed off werewolves.

Again, what anchors dog's bond with man is our fear, as much as our love, for man. It is a tenuous and exquisite balance. We value being "Man's best friend" above all else. Falling off that seat would be very dangerous. Dog help us.

How do the Neo's factor into all this? Not sure yet. Are they the new top predator? I still have yet to share what I learned at that lab, about what they learned from the neo corpse. I am still coming to terms with it myself. 

It is 4th of July. Jack, Sherry and the boys are gone, whooping it up with friends. It is overcast with winds today. That might jeopardize some of the many fireworks displays around the city tonight. Already I am hearing fireworks around here. I wish Jack had remembered to sedate me. It's ironic. I have fought in many wars, as both man and dog, and weredog, seen a lot of fighting. But, in dog form I still get anxiety attacks on the 4th due to the sounds of fireworks. I don't know why. I may have to shift to human form and go drink beers all day to get through this day.

Happy 4th of July.


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