Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Going Out, Moving Tomorrow

Cliff and I are going out tonight. One more errand here, then I move on. I have to take human form most of tonight, so the next couple of days of travel will have to be in dog form. Cliff has arranged for me to ride with a weredog trucker hauling a load of special piping to Denver. 

Holly and Warin both have been sending me message and voicemails saying that if I ever intend to return there that I better get on back there. Lots of changes and dramas going on, they say, within pack and the family. Great. I so want to rush back to that.

But, I have a few more places to go, and dogs to see, before I can go back home to KC, to Jack and Sherry, Sven and Rick. And Jason. And Flecka and Bailey and Sparkle and Rooster. 

And having some down time sounds good, being able to nap half the day, days wherein my days' biggest exertion is barking at the UPS guy. I am tired from being on this roar. I have a stiffness in my neck that does not go away. 

OK. Got to go. Time to gear up, get ready. 

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