Thursday, March 26, 2009

Dog Haters

Outside of Duluth I stopped a guy from drowning a litter of puppies. I did not hurt him, physically, but he'll never wear those pants again. 

There are still a lot of dog haters out there. There are always stories in the paper and online  about people arrested for cruelty to dogs and puppies. 

Why? I don't know why. Why do mothers sometimes kill their children? Why pedophiles? Why do kids sometimes kill for fun? Why do some people try to convert their dogs to vegetarianism? Insanity, it simply drags some people down deep and dark holes sometimes. These things, for me as a dog, are hard to understand. But as a man . . . I still don't understand. 

I think that often, for some people, hatred is the default emotion. When people fall far enough into fear or frustration the emotive response that pops up often is hatred. It is an easy emotion for many people. Don't ask me why. I'm just a dog.

Misogynists are men that hate women. How the hell does that work? How could any man hate women? What's to hate? OK, OK. I know. Some get a bit whacky, high-strung, flipped out. I have known more than my share, as a dog and as a man, believe me. But, honestly, when a man really wants to celebrate or have fun, which would he rather have, a cold bottle of beer, or a warm body of woman? Is there really any choice?

Then you got your misanthropes. These are people that hate people. Would they not then have to hate themselves? Can we take anybody like that seriously?  I have never known, nor heard of, a dog that hates dogs. Can't happen. Sure, you can find some that are a bit anti-social. But none of them hate dogs in general. Trust me.

I think a lot of people hate due to greed and lust, and these are simply derived from the need to survive, to ensure one's best odds for survival, and that of his or her off-spring. When a person thinks that he or she is in competition with the rest of humanity, then there is a good chance that he or she is a greedy misanthrope. 

And I have questions. Can a woman be a misogynist? 


Brandon said...

"Can a woman be a misogynist?"

Well I guess that is possible but would be very strange for that to happen

Brandon said...

Still breathing Chester?