Thursday, March 26, 2009

On the Beach in Destin

I am in Destin, Florida. Can't say where exactly.  But, I hear the surf each night through open windows and could hit boats in the Destin Bay with a pistol round. 

How I got here is a long story. It involved flying the last leg in a single-engine plane with a weredog named Curl. He is a nut. Flew with Chenault in China. Says when he is in human phase he always either works as a pilot or has access to a plane. He said a mistake was made, that he should have been a bird and not a dog. He me awake with stories and flying antics. 

Twice, when he thought I was not listening to his stories, he did barrel rolls. He howled the whole way around. I asked him if he was sure he was not a wolf, and not a dog. He cackled and howled more, said, "I'm more of your wild dog."

I am in this area to find a weredog who is working at Hurlburt Field, on Eglin Air Force Base. I have met with him once, so far. We need to talk again, several times. He was suspicious of me at first. But after we exchanged SF bona fides - names, units, places - he relaxed, a bit. Now we're good. He has a boat and is taking me out to fish when the weather breaks. We should be able to talk freely then. 

I went into Northern Minnesota. Had to find a wolf named Lacwulfa. I found he and his pack northwest of Crane Lake, near the Canadian border, ran with them for a few days. It was cold most days, but so beautiful. But, got the answers I needed and headed here.

It is hard to get access to computers on the road, while traveling as a dog. I am staying in the house of a weredog here in Destin. So, I do not have to worry about getting caught in the wrong form. She is showing me the area. We go out in both dog and human forms, to get the full experience. Her insistence. 

It is raining and cold here today. The first few days I was here it was beautiful. Lots of beach time. My coat got filled with sand. But now it is cld and nasty out and I have lots of time to catch up on emails, messages, news, accounts, bills, etc. 

I've watched a lot of sun rises and sunsets on the beach here. They are moments of magic. Amazing what the sun does with colors when it creeps up in the morning and gives way at night. Sunsets are my favorite. There is something about them. The French have a saying about sunset: "Entre chien et loup." Means: Between dog and wolf. I wonder if there is a saying for sun rise that says: "Entre loup et chien." Have to find out. 

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