Friday, March 6, 2009


Allow me to try and explain how werephysiology works.  Keep in mind that I only know these things because weredogs, in human form, work in labs all over the world and do their own “pet projects” that leverage the work their labs focus on. Weredog scientists lose much sleep staying late at work.

Again, let me provide just a little perspective.  Here we go.  50 percent of human DNA is what scientists refer to as “junk DNA.”  They call it that, junk, because they are not sure what it is, what it does, or what to do with it.  Some of it they think is mostly old viruses.  But, mostly they just write it off, call it junk.

However, that junk has had an enormous impact on evolution, of many species, probably all species over time.  Junk creates new regulatory sites within the genome, of men, dogs, wolves, everything. Transcription factors have been major factors in evolution, especially that of werefolk. 

Junk is a great source of evolutionary variability.  And it traces back to about 500,000 years ago, according to weredog scientists. Remember that number? 

Junk DNA has a key role in how genes are regulated and expressed, how they respond to to their internal and external environment. WereJunk express itself very differently from other species, more explosively

Scientists know that certain DNA segments, in certain species, that carry binding sites of regulatory proteins can behave, depending on the species, individual and environment, very explosively. These explosions involve certain genetic components referred to as “transposable elements” which can jump around within the genetic order. The result is, in werefolk, explosive transmutations of a sort not mapped by modern human science.

So, when a werdog shift, he or she is simply harnessing those explosive DNA transposable elements.

There are human scientists that hypothesize that junk could be key to evolution and the formation of new species. Keep in mind, werefolk are older than homo sapiens, modern humans.  

Junk is at the heart of the Neo threat and evolution.

There is another type of gene, not yet well understood, called “orphan genes” which are known to be extremely variable within individual species. These orphan genes are known to exist in freshwater jellyfish  (the freshwater polyp Hydra) and are responsible for regenerative properties that make the jellyfish immune to aging. Yes, the jellyfish are immortal, just as are weredogs.

Many species that regenerate limbs and change colors to match their environment, at very rapid rates, relevant to most other species. Lizzards and starfish are just 2 examples of such species.

So, you see, werephysiology is not all that odd and quite within the laws of nature. It is our junk DNA and orphans genes that allow us our unique life spans and transmutations.

Having said all that, there is no other species on this planet that can flip, switch or change attitudes, ideas or allegiances at the speed that humans do on a daily basis. We weredogs, and werewolves too, don’t know how you do it. It is amazing. You people amaze us. 


Anonymous said...

I know this question probably wont be answered but, since a normal person can be made into a weredog/wolf, does that mean that the genetic code of the said person is being changed into that of a were? or is it a virus of some kind?

Anonymous said...

Sorry those questions were worded quite poorly. What I ment was: how exactly is a person changed into a weredog/wolf? Is the genetic code of the said person rewriten or edited? or is it something else? Hopefully that is a little bit clearer than my last post.